Nature’s Agony… – A Poem
Photo credit: puravida from morguefile.com
Going through the woods, Seeing Beauty of the Forest,
Roaming free the Wind, Said subtly to the forest,
“The beauty u possess, is a Gift from me,
As I bring the Clouds, Pouring water on thee”
“Yes true it is…” Acknowledged the Forest,
“But it’s the Trees I have who attracts the Clouds”
“And cools u down from the Sun’s Scorching Growls”
Called the Mountain, Proud of its height,
Challenging the Birds, “Come take the Flight”
Came the Sea, Roaring from Beyond
Yelling at the mountains, With a great Warn,
“Tame your pride!!!”
“Or I’ll gulp u without a sight”
Between the fight, Came a Creature very Strange,
He had two legs, And looked quite Frail,
He conquered the Mountain, And Rode the Sea Waves,
Turned Trees into Logs, And Lived into Caves,
As forests lost Soul, The Clouds also Dried,
The Wind turned Black, They Unanimously Cried,
“Oh! Mother Nature, What have we Done?”
“You Punishing us all, And Sparing None”
Cried Mother Nature, “It’s not Me!!!”
“For all of my Kids, How cruel can I be?”
“It’s one of our Own, Who has lost his Path,
Who was meant to Create, BUT Destroying in Wrath,
I tried to Discipline, But All In Vain, (Floods and Earthquakes etc.)
He chose to be deaf, And can’t feel the Pain,
We all must Unite, To Fight for our Right,
If he chose to Perish, Let him dig his Grave,
For what he has done, No one will Save,
For once I thought, There may come a Day, (Mother Nature Hopes)
For the Creature and Us, Would be Happy and Gay,
But to ask him for that, Is asking too Much,
For all he cares, is having “How Much”?
We can feed him, But not his Greed,
He will face the brunt for his unholy deed…
He will face the brunt for his unholy deed…
By- Creative Expressions (Manas Temurnikar)