A Poem – My Pet Dog Rahul

English Poem – My Pet Dog Rahul
Photo credit: jade from morguefile.com
A small pup when I first saw him,
His mother gave birth to my little honey,
No wonder he looked like a polar bear
With cute white furs covered all over as soon as he was born.
I fell in love with him,
He has a high forehead,
Like he wears a helmet,
I loved him and thought to keep him with myself, and then kept.
Those lovely school days with him,
The sweetest days when he waited out the door,
Till I was done bathing,
He made me fall in love with his love.
One day, while getting ready to school,
Got him from my mom to kiss him,
Being a pup he fell off from me,
Broke his leg, I started caring him more than any one before,
He was totally cured after a couple of months.
He looks like a cat, a bear, a lion
He looks totally adorable,
My days passed by each moment with him,
I grew up with him and both made good friends with each other.
Days passed,
There came my college days, when I really started missing him,
I knew he would miss me too,
The dawn of the day is the sleep,
But for me, its him, his thoughts.
He wants me to kiss him,
Caress him, keep him with me always and feed him every time he is hungry,
There’s not a day I had my food until he had it first,
My love for him is more than I have on someone else.
There were critical days,
When he was bit by another dog unfortunately,
He fell serious that day,
The day before my final exams,
And I missed the exam, started travelling to see him,
Wished I could be there with him at that very second he was hurt.
The moment I saw him with severe wound in his head,
I fell almost dead,
Did not have the courage to face him,
All I did was to cry, and to cry.
Some days later, he was alright,
I should thank my love for it,
Yes! My love on him must have made him feel better,
Got me and him to normal.
Holidays are just meant to visit him,
At least for me.
This crazy love, I have never even showed on my parents,
Nor my sibling, nor my boyfriend.
I talk only to him when I’m sad,
Cry very badly to him, When I feel no one is there for me,
He is my world, when everyone else hates me,
Now and forever.
[This is dedicated to all pet lovers in the world.]