A Poem – Inception
Photo credit: alive from morguefile.com
A thought entered my mind, you see
an idea was born, I couldn’t just let it be
So I twisted and twirled and stretched it around
didn’t stop, till my head was a merry-go-round
of a hundred thoughts riding side by side
and a hundred waiting for their turn outside
With each thought on its very own horse
you’d think that’d be enough dashes, even for Morse
But this thought, much like its brothers around
is obstinately intrusive,
refusing to get down from the merry-go-round
It chooses to play a game of its own
with the thought having thoughts of itself sown
and like bumper cars in a fair,
the thoughts of the thought start to collide
till nothing comes of this joy ride
The thoughts don’t stop, not now, can’t rest
a hundred more placed, ironically, at your behest
one comes, another goes, it’s all such a fuss
up and down and up, like a ride on the Columbus
When comes an idea weird, and like a tide
takes you on a rolling coasting ride
Left ! Right ! Up ! and Down !
Where am i? What is this? Why am I running around?
through realms and times unknown you tread
through fantasies and fears, you wonder, you dread
You can’t stop what you cannot see
understand, your imagination will set you free
for with it, possibilities stretch to the infinite
Fear not! Soar Away! Like a vagabond kite!
A poem on the continuous flow of thoughts that seem to invade our mind, somehow not at our behest but at the will of something inside our minds, a consciousness maybe, i don’t know, but it’s not us, atleast not in the conscious sense.
So this poem is about that stream of thoughts which seem to have a plan of their own and make us a silent witness as we sit back and try to understand what the mind is telling us.