A Poem – I wish…..
Photo credit: luisrock62 from morguefile.com
I wish I was a butterfly, I wish I could fly
Carrying me along, the air would swing
Solace to people, my elegance could bring.
Rainbow would gift me, its’ colors all
Under the sky, I could cross any border or climb any wall.
Cute little children would run to catch me
For wooing his Juliet, to me, Romeo would plea.
I wish I could fly. I wish with me, all comply
I wish, a clock moving anti-clockwise I could make, I wish I could correct all my mistakes
Make right, all my decisions that went wrong
To fight for my desires, I would make myself strong.
In the name of honour that I lost, to my love I would get married
I would make my hobby as career, had that passion I carried.
Eradicate superstitions and social barriers from its roots
Let not the terrorism take birth, by soothing the nation disputes.
I wish, I could move the time back, I wish I could embellish myself in whatever I lack
I wish I had a magic stick, I wish I could get all that I pick
By moving the stick round-n-round, in a blink of eye I would read any book
Like the angel’s castle, make the earth look.
To heaven, never let my loved ones go
Be present in two places at a time, I am one although.
A smile could buy everything; there was no use of money
Make the clouds cry, if the day is very sunny.
I could go invisible whenever I wish to
Hunger strike for anti-corruption, make the corrupted minds do.
I wish I had a magic stick, I wish I get it quick
I wish, I was a child again, I wish I had no strain
Free from sorrows and targets my life would be
Scratches of those innocent days are still on my knee.
Rich and poor, I would treat same
Even in disgust all would call my nick name.
I would stutter and say; to become big is my dream
But I am sad it happened very fast, now I cannot lick my ice-cream.
I wish, I was a child again, I wish I could walk through that lane
I wish I was someone’s wish
I would be missed, I would be wanted
Would be treated special, never taken for granted.
Someone would see the whole world in me
Finds sweetness, even if I serve sugarless tea.
To communicate, not required were words
When far, contact through air and birds.
I wish I was someone’s wish. Without each other we would be like water separated fish