The Common man of India
This is an English poem dedicated to the common man of India. The one, who is middle class, abides by the rules, fears the law, who fights against the injustice on him and raises his voice but he is lost in crowd like a sun hidden in the cloud. Then there is upper middle class who is well off and does not care for the rules as he has got money power, social status and capacity to get his work done. The last but not least there is the Below poverty line (BPL) common man who has been suffering ever since his existence. He is the vote bank of the political parties and his worth is seen only during the election time. Planning commission says Rs.32 per day is sufficient for his survival and if he demands more than all sorts of logic are given to justify his fate.

Poem on Social Issue – I am a common man
Photo credit: carygrant from
I am a common man,
I am an educated common middle class man.
Normally I am lost in crowd,
On my patriotism still I feel proud,
Whenever there is a morality debate I shout high and loud,
Otherwise you will find me like a sun hidden in the cloud.
When I strictly follow the rule,
You look at me as if I am a fool,
When in childhood I was studious in school,
You called me not so hot, a little cool.
When I sincerely stand in a line,
People feel it is waste of time,
During elections I am much in demand,
Although I never get any command.
Whenever there is injustice done to me I raise my voice,
The rulers of the country say ‘bear it as you have no choice’.
Till yesterday you have fooled me now and then,
No more you can tame the lion in his den,
As now I have picked up a pen.
I am a common man,
Mind you, I am an educated common middle class man.
I am a common man
But I am an upper middle class man,
I am a symbol of snobbish clan,
I am not so common, so you can call me uncommon.
I don’t care for the prevailing corruption,
As I am always looking out for softer option.
Compare to the rest I have different priority,
For me foremost is my family’s safety.
I have got a luxury sedan and a bungalow,
I know how to avoid tax and escape the Law.
For holidays with family twice a year I go abroad,
My children have the liberty to litter chips packet on the Indian road.
In the park or on the road my dog has the freedom to urinate and defecate.
As I have the money power and authority to dominate.
I am a common man
Behold, I am an upper middle class man.
I am a common man; I live below poverty line,
Planning commission says Rs.32 per day is sufficient,
If I dare to spend anything more I am very inefficient.
Day in day out I am caged,
For my all the hard work I am underpaid,
On many occasions a booby trap is laid,
When I am entangled, nobody comes to my aid.
I am the worst sufferer of price rise,
Still I manage to survive is a great surprise.
They are bringing for me a bill on food security,
Whether it will serve my purpose there is no surety,
Who will deliver the goods to me in this corrupt society?
Now a day the officials have lost all the propriety.
I live in remote areas and slums in unhygienic condition,
During election Netas’ visit me in their cars air condition.
They promise me that they will remove my poverty,
But I keep on living in that place looking filthy and dirty.
During elections more and more time on me the politicians devote,
This is the best method for them to catch my vote.
I am also such a fool that every election time I am taken for a ride,
But what to do, my memory is very short and I have forgotten all my pride.
Planning commission says Rs.32 per day is sufficient,
If I spend more I am very inefficient.
I am a common man
Watch out, I am a common man; I live below poverty line.