A Poem – Heartbroken Eggs

Heartbroken Eggs – A Poem
Photo credit: nazka2002 from morguefile.com
Eyes are covered
By my secretions
I am not feeling good
Neither I am sad
Am I broken?
I cannot close my eyes
And I cannot wipe it
My vision is blurred
Like the canopy of mist in December
I am not feeling good
Maybe I am feeling sadder
The canopy
It has grown a bit
It has grown a bit
To the point of dripping by itself
And it tickles my eyes now
It dripped on the “No dues form”
I presume, you are wondering at me
Confused at why am I saying this
Let me narrate to you this
The story of mine
My life at the college
There is no life without love
No fun without it
And no excitement without it
Those heart touching words
And those beautiful girls in the class
Those couples, exchanging love chits
Of friends drawing the pictures
Of the boss’s moustache
India needs 10 runs in 4 balls
Playing cards over iPhone
Passing letters in classroom
Has its own flavour
What is my life?
In the midst of intricacies I live in
I enjoyed all of these
In the midst of intricacies I live in
I made very good friends
Whether by mockery
Or by tricks or by cheatings
I made many good friends
I see many pass by my life
Many inspired me
They shined my life
When I was cocooned by me
When I was cornered
When life has inflicted upon me
The sadness plethora
I sought their arms
They spread their helping hands
They listened to me
They took my pain
They took my worries
And they took my headaches
This made me happy
It gave me a great relief
Because I see them worried
They take me to football game
I kick them but they bear the wounds
We rock at the institute games
We rock at the fashion shows
We shine as a “Heartbroken Andaa” group
Because we never get a girlfriend
We were technically failures
Because we never shine intellectually
Because we never shine in exams
But we shine as a group
But we do shine as backbench fun makers
Because we give our hearts
It’s a complicated group
There are heartbroken andaa’s in female category
So it is complicated
Not because we haven’t tried for a partner
It is because we have complex attitude
And so we informally formed the group
Though we are heartbroken in terms of partner
In general sense we are heartbroken in every term
Because we never get what we expect
I wanted to be an engineer but became a mediocre engineer
Our female friend wanted to be a singer
But lost at the grand finale in intercollegiate competition
We got struck at university levels in all games
We got stuck at the mediocre level
We all helped every other to shine
How can we forget those days?
When we got single digit number in exams
We all took the shelter of a beautiful park
Inside the park,
We presumed this is a rocky mountains
And we folded out hands and put our heads in darkness
When the andaa girl shined, we celebrated
When the andaa boy got a fashion award, we celebrated
When the andaa girl sang the song, we whistled louder
We form a team in volleyball, football and fashion team
We formed a band
We formed a great team
We said to ourselves
We are strong and we are strong
We will remain and will remain eternal
No matter how worse it is
In the intricacies of our lives
We will remain bound by this “Broken Andaa” convention
I will miss it
Life has its own flavours at the college
30th may is the convocation
Last day I will meet them
They are here
I narrated them
To my andaa colleagues
The legacy of our in my way
They cried
We have this condition
When one cries everyone should cry
So they dripped on their “No dues form”