English Poem – Have You Ever Think…
Photo credit: emlyn from morguefile.com
Have you ever think ????
What’s behind , when the stars blink !
In their deep huge silence ,
There is something they wanna say !
Circumstances can be worst ,
But we should always find our way !!
Just as they shine in , Black and Silent sky ,
In our life also,there should be no “What ,When ,Why?”
Whatever be the goals , Whatever be the dreams
Whatever be the wishes , If they really means !
Try to achieve , try to gain ,
Just put your whole effort and the Journey of success will for sure begin…
Have you ever go through the stage ????
When someone is , about to raze !
Have u ever go , through all around
What’s behind in its last ending sound !
When all petals fall down , the flowers murmurs
Not because of short life, they usually covers !
They feel sorry and want humans to forgive
As they feel no satisfaction,in whatever they give !
The fragrance ,the freshness , Which really means for us
“We can give much much more” , the message they spreads !!
Have you ever think ??????
What , Nature give , is totally free
Just throw a cursory glance on near by tree !
Lets ask its importance to a boy ,
Who is in miserable condition , have lost its everything
“Nearby standalone tree ” is his only godfather ,
And its the only one , Which is for him !
The care , the shower , the nourish he founds
That Tree is providing him without any sounds
It saves us from hot , cold , wind and from air ,
We should also think “Are we doing with nature everything fair ? “
We are not aware of consequences we have to face ,
As we are cutting them and putting breaks in front of nature and its pace ….
If Nature taught us so many lessons
Showering her care without any reasons
Want nothing from our side as in exchange
So who are we to take these disastrous decisions……
Answer I know
Nowadays , everyone is running behind pomp and show
Want to flow with it , want it to flow !!!!!