English Poem – The Greenery which I ignored…
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
It was hot and I was tired of sweating, and I could hardly find a shade.
I searched and searched for a green leaf, but failed to find one anywhere.
All the places are filled with concrete, above, below, front and the rear.
Not even a single place in the world has a piece of green left over here.
I remember my backyard filled with herbs, plants and even very huge trees
Me and my friends used to climb on the trees and play on those big branches.
It was the trees that saved us from heat in those hot summer holidays,
And when it rains, they formed an umbrella, keeping us safe from getting wet.
On the walls the creepers grew well, covering almost up to the top,
On the top had tiny little growths, which we used in games of fun.
One with a long and a very thin stem, and with a small head on the top,
With which, me and my friends, shall do great fighting warrior games!
Stem of coconut leaf were shaped, to form the body of our first toy cars,
Small little coconuts fell down for us, to roll as the wheels of these pretty cars.
We shaped them as long and short wagons, designs were done to show our skills,
Races were done with great zeal and zest, and victories were proclaimed with greatest pride.
Life was moving and I grew up fast, did my studies and started my work,
Running became my permanent status, aims and goals started sparkling in front.
Without knowing I became family man, to the husband and then to a father,
I started forgetting the gorgeous nature, which was happening around me.
A shelter became my next requirement, and planned for a home on my backyard,
I never knew the trees falling, for a place for my house to be built on the land.
They cleared all flora and fauna away, for bringing up me a beautiful home,
We started our life there spending our time, playing with kids was such a fun.
We went out to the Malls for having fun and parks became our place of nature,
From the home to the car and car to the office, I forgot the smell of the soil around me.
And my son, when he step on the land, started saying it is full of dirt,
The indoors became the playgrounds and joysticks became the tools of joy.
Somehow I believed that I was growing from one to the other and then to the top,
My family had the smile on the face which indicated my success of life.
Cars became the symbol of status, and gadgets became the topic of talks,
Money overspread into all areas of life, making myself as an efficient machine.
As I moved over time and phase, I got the hair white and lost my speed,
I hardly find my body moves, as per my thought and as per my wish.
I, with an amaze, found that years have passed, without my knowledge and without any juice,
My kids has grown and they left for their ways, leaving me and wife in pain.
Now I sit in the front of my home, watching the walls of my neighboring house,
I can see the sky through a gap, between the buildings which stand as castles.
My heart was wishing for seeing some green and I could hardly find anything,
I stood up and walked out to check for one, when I started it let me down.
The road was hot and full of cars, it gave me a thought that no one walks,
I came to know that there is no trees, not only in my house, but in the whole routes.
I am knowing that I never walked these streets, for almost a decade or more than it,
And the scenes coming on the sides of the road, appeared as all-new visuals for me.
I didn’t know that I have journeyed so far, it became tiring and difficult to walk,
Sun is pouring the hot waves down, as he is wishing that my walk would end.
Looking for a shade I realized my slip, it reminded me and carried me to those old days,
When the trees were butchered for my shelter, razing the greenery around the place.
Now in the middle of this concrete I wish, I have a small little piece of some green,
Which would give me a bit of shield, which might save me from this burning heat.
Somebody whispers in my ears that, what you have done would one day comeback,
Now that I have no any other choice, to stay in this heat and bear the attack.
Somehow I reached the nearest building, which gave me a bit of shade to rest,
I sat for a while and I saw a child, walking towards me with a smile.
In her hand she carried a pot, inside which I saw a small green leaf,
She gave me the pot, smiled at me and said, “Dear Grandpa this is for you.
Let us not forget our trees and let us start planting them around,
That when we grow up we will have a world, with lots of trees n lots of shades.
Lots of good air and lots of greenery, and lots of sceneries’ to view and enjoy,
Lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to eat, and plenty of water for us to drink.”
While I was amazed with the words of the child, she started moving away,
I tried to search her here and there, but hardly did I saw her again anywhere.
Holding the pot with the little sprout, I started walking back to my home,
I was running as I was in a hurry that, somebody was forcing to reach back home.
Back home I start making a pit and removing the sand with my own hand,
Planting the small sprout to the ground, I felt a deep contentment inside.
After a lifetime I felt that smell, which once brought me all the thrills,
Once again I went to that good old days, which I made my days with my friends.
Watering the small plant with the pot, and touching the leaves with my hands
I found something growing in me, which I was missing for quite a long time.
That spread into the cells and cells of mine, and flourished into a deep sensation,
In that I saw that small little girl, smiling at me with lots of love.
I was amazed to see her gown, which was made with green leafs,
She wore beautiful flowers on her head, such flowers which never I had seen.
Slowly I started realizing the truth, that who came to me was not a girl child,
And in that awe, I recognized, that it was the nature itself, who loves me so much.