Poem for Youth – HIPHEN
Photo credit: bullboy from morguefile.com
Hey enough of sleep now wake up kid,
get over your break up kid,
you have your studies to make up kid,
This world doesn’t see the condition of your heart,
even if it is broken into pieces apart.
All that matters is a college degree,
even if it sucks your blood for free.
The time wasted you,
even though you were honest and true.
But mistake you had done,
over heart you had been run.
Mad man psycho even Hitler was!
But love is different and deserves applause.
A cry of laughter which you gave,
people told like bi*ch you behave.
You never cared what they told,
you did well all brave and bold.
A dairy full of complaints,
a fairy came into your dreamy plains.
The whining you did when you were alone,
never did you message them nor did you phone.
The dogs barking in the nights!
People switching off their lights,
The owl and their feathery tails,
even in the fowl night you could see her illuminating trails.
For her you live,
for her you say you would die,
when i say you never believe,
all night for her you would cry.
For help i was there,
you did never care.
I stood by your side,
and gave you a ride,
out in the streets you had passed out,
searching for her never did you doubt.
You believed and made me believe,
true love exists whose roots stronger than banyan tree.
Now you don’t lose hope big boy,
days will soon come for you to enjoy.
The fruit shall ripen,
your life would be more than a hyphen.
faith you need,
a friend in deed,
you have both,
you take a oath,
you would never leave them,
you would always believe them,
both will make your day,
trusting them is the only right way.