Photo credit: dantada from morguefile.com
Fall in love
not only with humans
but also with the ever
best teacher ” The Nature”
that is even superior to god.
The glory of sun
who gives us light by burning itself
teach us to burn ourselves
to achieve our goal
If god is light, it is the god
It ornaments the clouds with
a silver shadow even though
it knows the cloud’s
intentions to overpower it
If god is considerate, It is the god
The all powerful star that
step down from the sky and
hide somewhere in the darkness of twilight
But surely comeback on the next day
If god is hope , it is the god
The calmness of moon
that weakens day by day
teach us to accept and
accustom to the changes
that life offers to us.
The moon accept the courage
and become the symbol of change
If god is courage , it is the god
Moon is all alone in the sky
But gives company
to our sleepless nights
If god gives us light in darkness, it is the god
Sitting in the throne of sky
with scars on his face
among the dazzling stars
shows us that real beauty never fades
even if crowed with so many things
If god is beauty, it is god
Stars -The gem of universe
that enchanted our childhood.
Even their simple sight
would turn us to a dreamer
teach us darkness is needed
to shine more strongly and brightly
If god is strength,They are gods
The tears of heaven
that makes earth a heaven
teach us to make others happy
by forgetting your pain
Rain smiles at you
even in its misery and
shows you the vibrant colours of rainbow
If god is care, it is god
The sea that hides the numberless treasures
teach us not to showcase of everything in our life
It is even capable for gobble the sun
and be a partner in creating the rain
this trait of sea teach us
nothing is impossible
If god is possibility, It is god.
Trees, the reason for our life
feeds the hands that
loves and harms them alike
teach us to treat everybody impartially
They are the tutors who teach us
the first lessons of patience and forgiveness
If god is love, they are gods
They shine in the sun, dance in the wind,
bathe in the rain and blossom in the spring
and teach us enjoy every single moment in life
If god is joy ,they are gods.