Poem on Extra Marital Affair – Wife Versus Other Woman
Photo credit: veggiegretz from morguefile.com
Today, I know
He is in your arms,
Enchanted completely by your charm…
But do you realize?
For yourself you are inviting harm…
He has given his name and life…
To someone on earth, they call Wife…
She is his all-time need…
Though taken for granted,
But on paper…
She is the partner – ‘indeed’
You are filling for his some additional – greed
As men have the habit and wants of many treats…
Being a woman you also know, where this will lead?
When passion will die, he won’t pay any heed…
May be then, all will you do is to crave for an embrace
She will again be the one, at first place…
In your heart you will meditate…
Being the second in race…
Feeling disgraced…
But for him, it will be fine…
To men, world has always been nice…
The rules of the game are simple and clear to them
But for a woman this one game has never been straight
It’s just a warning that…
You will regret, you will cry,
Again from the beginning with someone else
Would you have the courage to try?
Then why would you ever like to pay for his deeds?
Tomorrow the world will call you – A thief…
Whether you get him or don’t..
Your heart knows what you steal
Still the wife will support him through,
Because his happiness makes her smile
Not just like that, they call her a ‘WIFE’
The legal paper gives her authority,
To claim him back with full dignity…
But she wants to avoid any strife…
So you better live and let her live life…
You would know what she means…
If you ever have been someone’s ‘WIFE’
For further to your assurance,
Take him in your embrace and dare to ask
How would he feel, if she wants to be
Someone else’s WIFE?