Poem – Escape
Photo credit: dantada from morguefile.com
I want to flee away from this mundane earth,
To the dreamy world of beauty and mirth.
Where I can escape from my pain and sorrow:
The new sun, in the sky, hails a good morrow.
It is a land of angels and nymphs,
An utopia, pent up in the hymns.
I walk along the Milky Way in galaxy,
Forgetful of all my possessions.
Is it true or just a mere fantasy?
Still loving to cling to my obsessions.
A dazzling damsel in my view,
Pure and as fresh as morning dew!
She reminds me of frolic and fun,
Far from the war and booming sounds of gun.
Her happiness spills over the vale,
I met her in pages of fairy tale.
It gives me an unending pleasure,
I crave for an ultimate leisure.
My green days are spent in the War field;
Sometimes with gun and sometimes with shield.
A soldier cannot sleep in peace,
Not life, but death is an eternal bliss.
I gasp in this world of smoke and dust,
Hate my sword smeared in blood.
Taking lives to protect my countrymen,
No glory no boon but it is a bane.
Hope I will look around one day;
To find my world in a different hue
May be it is too late,
For me and you.
Man loves, man dies,
Subtle dreams in his eyes.
Some are shattered, some come true,
A soldier also has, but a very few.
I feel your voice mild and meek!
Close my eyes, more pleasure to seek.
I leave the thought to escape the earth,
My dream world suffers from a dearth
Of you and my conscience.
Though all my dreams give me pleasure,
My love for you knows no measure.
Forgive my thoughts to be away from you,
Being far off, you remain in my view.
With you, my world starts and ends,
Where to go for better leaving my friend?