English poetry for kids to love beauty of natural world.It reveals men encroachment on innocent bird,which disturbs our ecological balance.

Poem – Encroachment on Birds
Photo credit: juditu from morguefile.com
Encroachment on Birds
One day, I went to garden,
Heard chirping of birds.
Noise was coming from the trees.
As I went there nearer,
Saw, a lovely family of beautiful birds.
Father bird,
Bringing straws to make their nest.
Mother bird,
Feeding their kids and giving them rest.
Now, parent birds,
Are teaching their child,
How to fly in pervasive sky.
Everything seems,
Like our family.
As Papa brings money,
To give us food, shelter and clothing.
And Mamma cooks,
To feed us food.
Our parents teach us,
How to work for our livelihood.
I was enjoying the beauty of nature,
Then what I see!
Hunter comes,
And fire on birds.
Harvester comes,
And cut the trees.
Screams of birds were no more.
Alas! Now I can’t hear,
The melodious voice of little birds.
I was really astonished,
Why these things are happening?
So, went to my father.
When I am in confusion,
I ask my father reason.
And told him what I experienced.
How I sensed the beauty of nature-
Melody of charming birds,
And their family totally like us.
Hunters violence on innocent birds,
And demolition of their nest.
My Dad understood what I meant,
He calmed and gave me chair,
to sit with him.
He smiled and said about,
Men encroachment,
On poor, innocent birds.
Men feels pride,
in dominating these little creature rights.
Cutting trees,
Where they built their nest.
Hunting birds,
Are kind of curse.
Hey! listen Man,
The call from God.
He will punish you,
If you encroach little birds.
They also have privilege,
To live and survive.
So,from now onwards,
Stop your encroachment,
on pathetic birds.
Animals,and birds,
Plants and men,
All living beings are creations of God.
Encroachment on any of them,
May disturb our ecological balance.
Flora and fauna,
Are beauty of natural world.
Lets all living being,
Live together happily,
Until, we are alive.