English Poem – Do Not Ever Fear
Photo credit: Penywise from morguefile.com
keep reminding self at every minute
you have the power to kill your fears,
you and only you …
what’s it with you, that you often tend to fear???,
note this …when you allow,
it (fear) only then comes near,
never forget to question it,
ask ”what if i kick your ass out of here”??
remember your fears are till and only till,
you allow them around to linger,
practice with self … ponder,
for things or acts you love …
stop seeking fear for your problems,
instead start grabbing cheeriness,
teach every cell in you,
its the easiest way to get away,
dare self and ask,
what if i wont nurture you (fear),
what if i substitute you,
life in flesh is rare,
nothing much to loose,
so start to live – dare…
keep reminding self at every minute,
you have the power to kill your fears,
you and only you …
if you live with fear,
you are sure to loose self,
choose the other way round,
and you will always be in loving care,
of none other than your serene self …
problems are just another situations,
deal them as they are very dear,
for they are teaching you,
leading you , making you a person,
a soul, which is going to be pure n pristine clear…
face your fears to be able,
to fulfill your dream that’s rare…
keep reminding self at every minute
you have the power to kill your fears,
you and only you …
never say ‘ i give up’
and categorize self as a looser
try to fight every bit every nerve
for not being a coward…
everything around you,
might try to break you,
but keep reminding self at every minute,
you have the power to kill your fears,
you and only you …
conquer or substitute,
do according to liking,
keep the sole motive of,
being free of any kind of fear,
never you should let spirits fall,
for one day…when you rewind,
sourness is one feeling you must never find…