Poem – A Devastating Love Affair
Photo credit: Carool from morguefile.com
My head was pounding and aching so bad.
It is the most awful pain that I have experienced.
I awaken shaking and feeling all out of sorts.
The last thing I can remember is that my boyfriend Michael
and I had gotten into a bitter argument.
But I can’t remember him hitting me with any sharp object.
So I questioned myself, why is my heading hurting so bad?
I rarely suffers from head-aches.
This was confusing and odd to me.
I slowly managed to get out of my bed
and put one foot in front of the other.
Walking to my medicine cabinet, dragging my feet on the floor.
I managed somehow to make it inside of the bathroom to get a pill for my head-ache.
Now all I needed was a glass of water to help flush it down my throat.
I got the water and took the pill, immediately went back to lie down in my bed.
All the while I was lying there, all kinds of thoughts began manifesting into my mind.
Why did Michael always make our date a living night-mare?
Is it because he don’t love me anymore or has he found someone new?
These things are beginning to frustrate me and torment my mind daily.
Everywhere we go to enjoy ourselves, it ends up in a disaster.
We began the night off just fine, loving and being kind to one another.
Then Michael can bring up something maybe I did in the past and all hell will break loose.
Why can’t we have a normal relationship like some of my acquaintances.
They hardly ever argue and fuss the way we do. Perhaps they don’t have the same type problems.
Maybe they can forgive each other of their past mistakes and go forward with their lives.
It isn’t this way with us. Michael want to forever make me feel guilty for the wrong that I have done.
We met at one of the social events that the college was giving.
I was standing in a corner just gazing at everybody else around me dancing and having fun.
I didn’t have a boyfriend at the time. But it didn’t matter to me. I had so much to keep my mind occupied.
I was involved in so many of the school’s activities that I couldn’t really have a social life.
Then in an instant, my life changed. It would never be the same.
I felt someone hand softly touched my shoulder. I gazed up into the most beautiful eyes.
There was Michael, standing here looking so handsome. I was startled at first.
and didn’t know what to do or say. Michael politely introduced himself to me
and asked me for a dance.
I immediately said yes. All the while we were dancing,
I felt a bit nervous and shaky for no apparent reason.
Why was I feeling this way, when I have one of the most handsome man next to me.
My heart was pounding fast. I know Michael could feel the vibration from it.
He just chose to ignore my emotions and held me that much tighter.
He began whispering in my ear. His voice sent chills down my spine.
It sounded so masculine and sexy.
I started breathing that much harder. He asked me where have I been all this time?
He had never seemed me around campus? I slowly uttered out of my mouth,
“I been here all the time. you just hadn’t noticed me until now”.
He then replied, “I am glad I found you”. “You are such a beautiful young lady”.
I blushed a little and said “thank you”. He responded with “Oh my pleasure”.
“You truly are stunning”.
With these words been spoken, my confidence began to soar.
I began to feel exclusive with Michael. My heart stopped racing so fast.
Began to relax and feel calm. My nerves is settling now.
Knowing that a man of his statue admired and adored me.
Making me feel like a queen on a throne.
It is a great feeling to have someone adoring me and uplifting my spirits.
Telling me how good I look to him.
This is amiable in every aspect to me.
By the time the dance was almost over,
he asked me would it be okay if he joined me? I said of course,
I do not have a date. He looked surprised at first,
then immediately said, “Great, I am your date now”.
“It is just you and me for the rest of the night”.
“And boy, are we going to have a great time”.
I glanced up at him and just smiled.
I didn’t know what he actually meant by those words.
Was he being polite or was he being sarcastic?
Thinking that I was any type of woman,
who he can do whatever he pleases with on the first night?
If he had any thoughts like this, he can forget it.
I was definitely not going to have sex with him tonight.
All I want is to have fun and enjoy the night.
For once, here is a man who is willing to spend time with me
and to make sure I enjoy myself.
at least this is what I am hoping in my mind.
I hope I am not wrong.
He noticed how I looked at him when he said those words.
He confirmed the facts that he want me to have a good time.
After we leave here, he want to take me to a fine restaurant,
where he can sit down and enjoy a good meal.
And get to know each other better.
I smiled and said yes, that sounds like a great idea.
I would love to join you tonight
so we can enjoy a good meal together.
After the party ended on campus,
grabbed my hand and asked me did I drive myself
or is it okay if we ride together in his car?
I politely responded, I can drive my car and
meet you wherever we are going.
He replied, that will be fine with me.
Just follow me and we can head to one
of the most fabulous restaurants in town.
This place has some of the most delicious
food your mouth will ever taste.
Oh, wonderful, I can’t wait to eat some.
I will follow you to the restaurant.
What type of automobile are you driving?
He replied, “A red Porsche”.
My eyes got a little bigger.
I said to myself, this man must have
some money. He is a student here
just like I am. Wonder what type
of work he does on the side?
By the time I got to my car,
Michael was already getting ready to
drive out of the parking lot and I
had to make sure I keep up with him.
He is a fast driver.
Maybe I should have gotten his number.
I wasn’t thinking. He didn’t even bother
to ask me for mines either.
I hope and pray I can keep up with
this man and his driving. If I
was inside of the car with him,
there is no way I would want him
driving this fast.
The restaurant was a ways from the campus.
It took at least thirty minutes to get there.
After arriving, the parking lot was full.
We had to circle around the lot until
parking spaces were found.
I was glad when we finally found some.
We got out of our cars and headed towards
the restaurant. Two of the waitress were
standing there at the door to greet us.
They escorted us to our table. And gave
us a menu to look at. I loved all the
fantastic meals that were on it.
Michael pointed out to me, his favorite.
He suggested I try it.
At first, I was a little reluctant.
Then I said, why not? It sounded
like something good to taste.
Even though the name was unfamiliar.
He explained to me that it was simple
and it was only lobsters mixed with oriental
vegetables and a pure wine.
I loved lobsters, and decided to
try it. The meal was delicious.
We both sat and ate and communicated.
He told me a lots about himself and I
gave him my life story. We got to
know each other more better.
From that day forward we decided to
date each other. I like him and he
like me. So the dating began.
Michael would take me out on the town
a lots and introduced me to all of
his friends. We had fun together
and I couldn’t have enjoyed myself
with anyone else any better.
Michael characteristics was great!
He always treated me like a lady.
Never did he cuss around me or
raise his voice. He was always
meek and humble. I loved this man.
Until one day, it all changed.
We were at a party with his friends.
He got drunk and started acting crazy.
grabbing me by the arm, telling everyone
there, I am his woman. Better not anyone
dare look at me or say anything to me.
I was dumbfounded, couldn’t believe my eyes.
What I was seeing was unbelievable.
Never could I imagine Michael behaving
in this type of manner.
What had come over him.
Actually, I felt like running away.
Just leaving him there by himself.
When I started to leave walking,
Michael started pushing and shoving
me all over the room.
One of his guy friends Mark stood up.
He was furious and pulled Michael back.
Replying, “Hey man, what’s wrong with you”?
“Get your hands off of me Mark”.
“You stay out of this”.
“This don’t concern you”.
“MY woman will obey me and
do as I please”.
“Not what she want to do”.
I blurted in and replied,
“Michael you sound like a fool”.
“Who do you think you are talking to”?
“I am not your slave”.
“I am leaving now and there
is nothing you can do about it”.
He ran behind me, calling me all
kinds of names. I just wanted to cry.
But somehow managed to hold the tears back.
By the time I got outside, he was right behind me.
He slapped me in my face. I started to cry.
Mark intervened and began fighting with him.
I stopped them from fighting.
And always, I would leave with him.
Only to make my life that much more miserable.
When we arrived to his apartment,
He would only beat me more. I don’t
know why I just stood there and took it.
Is it because this man had me captivated?
Was I this in love with someone who
didn’t care nothing about me?
This type of behavior went on for months with
Michael beating and verbal abusing me.
Until one day, Mark came to my rescue.
He asked me why did I allow this man to
treat me like this?
Mark expressed his interest in me.
He told me he was in love with me.
That I should get rid of Michael.
Let him go. I began to reconsider
what Mark was saying. Michael was
no good for me. He disrespect me.
Why should I hold onto a relationship
that was going no where?
This is when I decided once and for all.
I had to let him go. I broke the news to
Michael and he refused to accept it.
I had to call the law on him to make him
leave my place and to stop harassing me.
He would follow me around to my classes.
Daring anyone including Mark to come near me.
The security officer would report this to
the school president and finally something
was done about it. They suspended him from
school. He finally left me alone.
Mark and I got together and the rest is history.
I finally met a man who might not be as handsome
as Michael but was much kinder and nicer.
This is what I needed and wanted.
Someone to love me for who I am.
I didn’t want or need a love
that I am afraid of.
I am glad to finally be out of that
relationship with Michael.
Now I can remember why this night my
head was hurting. I had a fight with
Michael and was arguing and fussing with him.
I called the law on him and he was removed
from my property. Now Michael is history
and Mark and I can start a new beginning.
I have a new love, “A Perfect Love”. And
I am finally happy.