Emotional Poem – Death
Photo credit: solrac_gi_2nd from morguefile.com
A wicked truth we have to face,
With death we cannot win the race;
What life has in store who knows,
When there is a call we have to go,
She lost her happiness, she lost her dreams,
All her future castles were blown,
For the reasons most unknown.
She is left with all the sweet memories of her past;
Which she hopes to nurture till her last.
She sat unmoved beside the cold body of her beloved,
Calculating her fate,
When she heard a small feeble cry,
Thought perhaps it was her little baby,
Voicing high said; he must be hungry,
Realising the truth, she drew him close fed him,
Still placing her moist eyes on the cold body of her beloved.
The path ahead was no bed of flowers now,
The sun will rise, but the mornings’ will be not the same,
There will be numerous nights’ immersed in beautiful moonlight,
But it will not be the same for her, never
It will be filled with sadness and remorse,
Why me?????
Her heart thronged, refused to accept
What lay in front , she saw him disappearing;
Letting out a helpless cry she blurted don’t……….
What had I done to deserve this?????
What could bring him back..?????? Just once
Or please can you take me away tooo!!!!!!
Why should I be left to mourn??
To this path that is unknown.
Her heart ached and longed for one more glimpse,
so many dreams washed away
like that of child who built
a house on the beach,
Just then she felt a soft tug,
Ammmma!!!!!!………. came the whisper,
She rushed and kissed her little one
With her wet lips , perhaps she now knew,
That she had a reason to live……….
This is a tribute to all who have lost their beloved.
–Rekha karthic