A Poem – Day-dream

Photo credit: alive from morguefile.com
Many days have passed,yet you’ve not come
To meet me in my dream,so i’m lonesome.
Dreams hardly ever visit me i don’t know
Why? I don’t know why there’s no glow
In my dream anymore like before. When i
Hit the bed it sobs for you,uses to cry-
Why you are not by my side when you should
Be waiting for me there for my good.
Love never waits for anyone as they say,
Feelings that we have we do display.
River that has water has a flow,
Women those are beautiful have a glow;
Still we try to find love desperately,
Fate makes us suffer deliberately,
We lose our hope a little too quick,
As what we think not always click.
That’s why some think it as bluff,
And for some it is hand-cuff.
It is not person but feeling,
But how many understand that thing,
Those who get it do not want
Only those suffer who are blunt.
It’s why love remains as mystery,
And we read love story in History.
I see you come in a chariot for me
And i ask you to stay for me to see.
You dance there and sing melodious note,
I do nothing but i listen and float.
The pupils in your eyes shine so bright
I enjoy the sight in my heart full of delight.
But suddenly you vanish and make me dumb,
Leaving me stranded in the darkness as numb.
If i ever get the love of my life,
I’ll certainly make her my wife.
If i ever blow that love away,
I plead to Fate not to play
With my emotion when they are green,
Please help me then and not be mean.
I’ll remember the promise which i made first
I’ll keep it till i breathe my last.