A Poem – Cursed son
Photo credit: kconnors from morguefile.com
The little boy hurt his toe….
shot the man he never knew…
‘I am just a little bird’ said the boy…
I haven’t got any wings
how can I fly??’…..
They left him in the corner of the street…
‘let him choose what he seeks’…
the boy carried on… to the path that lay forlorn…
light fell as the shadows drowned….
‘I am the cursed son…. I shall do what I am…
what repentance is good to me??… I shall see when I am done….’
So he put forth his desires….
marched on with a soul so unblemished….
in the depth of the darkness he saw a shed…
‘this is where it begins’ he said….
there laid a man in clouds of his smoke….
dead like a stone…. stoned like a dead…
‘wake up you old man, I am your king’…
‘in my realm you may live but do as I say’….
Sat up the man and said to thee….
‘what you seek you may not see’
‘confer your dream… end your run’
‘you may think but you are not the cursed one’….
but the kid stood irrevocably to his ground….
‘my words put into you the fear of never being found’….
and then stood the man and said to him….
‘cursed are those who hold the bells….
cursed are those who seek through there shells……
you my son are a forgotten cause…..
hold thyself and you wouldn’t be lost’….
Reflecting upon his memories the kid gaped at the man….
‘why shall I trust, you are the epitome of digress’…
I’ll keep on walking this road ahead…
I won’t lay myself down till I fall dead’….
defeated felt the man to his own words…
beneath his ground now lay his own bed….
so at last he said to thee…..
“Do my son as what you shall be…
but remember, the road ahead will take you to the mountain…
climb it up and look afar….
one dawn you’ll find in blossom of hours…
the same path taken by another man”….
Raged he with contempt and fury…
in his eyes the man could see the blue light….
floated the smoke and floated the sky….
capitulated the man to the starless night….
Ran the kid into the wilderness holding his dream….
“I am a bird now, I can fly and spread my wings”…..
Little did he moved afar on green dust and red stones….
when he saw another man….
Conquered by fear he looked up the sky…..
revolved the circles in labyrinth of clouds….
“Oh, I see…. it shall end where it begun’….
it was the end of a dream….. end of a run……