Collection of Poems – Roaring Clouds
Photo credit: puravida from morguefile.com
People speak high or to much and do very very less. Those who do not speak so much, they do things so much.
Like the roaring clouds that never rain, people speaking so much are not to be believed or dependable.
Roaring clouds of no rain
Keep the sky dark n gloom.
Boasting words in chain
Keep you jump and jump.
But make you enter trap
May be it is unknown.
Roaring clouds of no rain
Keep the sky dark n gloom.
Cheating words are of pain
make you prey to the cheat.
Polishing words of Shine
make you throw in the dust.
Roaring clouds of no rain
Keep the sky dark n gloom.
We know we need all them
But they not know our aim.
Why don’t we make a few to
know that we like help them.
Roaring clouds of no rain
Keep the sky dark n gloom.
Be wise to know who help
and who cheat you always.
Be smart to know who creep
in your brain that so harms.
Roaring clouds of no rain
Keep the sky dark n gloom.
Shining things never Stay
long to make you happy.
Boasting people of pride
Never help you in time.
Roaring clouds of no rain
Keep the sky dark n gloom.
Simple is the face to believe
or test it if you can depend.
Gorgeous may be greedy
Make you never depend.
Roaring clouds of no rain
Keep the sky dark n gloom.
what you know is just little
Knowing more to welcome.
So get ready to know more
and get ready to have more.
-BR Raksun (24-9-2014)
I NEVER care THE facts
If you should never love me
I know that I love you more.
Don’t start hiding your heart
Cover not your face from me.
For every feel you could not say
My heart is hearing with care,
Go anywhere and any distance
without a word or with no notice.
You know well that I hear you
even from the farthest distance.
How can you be away from me
with all of your heart is in me!
For you must be happy anywhere
Yes as it’s you, it may be sure!
I hear you everywhere forever
No facts whatever I will care!
– BR RAKSUN (21-9-2014)
Made of Meat
Not made of costly metal
with gold or silver shimmer.
Not made of cheaper coal
which burns last with luster.
Not made of costly gems
with tags that touch the sky.
Not made of great art works
which brings the fame in buy.
Not made of gold in thread
to feel the golden birth.
Made of meat and the blood
to wither away in earth.
Shark is not to tame
It’s not a pet to play
get away quick!