Poem on Celebration of Christmas & New Year 2013

Decorated Christmas Tree for Christmas and New year 2013 Celebration
Photo credit: calgrin from morguefile.com
1. Poem on 2012 Christmas Celebration
In the cold wintry night,
I was sitting alone for sight,
The town was twinkling with lights,
As the coming night is “Christmas Night”.
Everywhere there is an echo,
A Christmas carol is about to go,
An amazing air blow……
O’ D beautiful sounds have been gone through.
New-Year is a seed germination,
A new century that starts to begin,
If a good seed sprout……..
Then a shady tree comes out.
Churches are full of crowd,
Candles added the charms of proud,
Prayer bells blesses the youth……
Another New Year predicts Truth.
Santa Clause is on His Charm,
Joy Kept yacking about the festive farm,
Kids gathered to get the sweets……
As this was a one time yearly feast.
O’ D beauty of Christmas Tree,
made the mind and soul tension free,
Stars,bells,lights and orgami…..
Add the toppings like a pastrami.
The old traditional trend changes,
That only one Santa Clause entertaining ,
Outside every shop and Mall…..
So many Santas are welcoming warm.
No matter the religion,
As now Christmas Celebration becomes a season,
Kids upto the age of Ten…..
Wandering wore a cap of Santa’s resemblance.
Cakes and Pastries shop,
Emptied before 12 O’clock,
Ya…… its 2012 Christmas celebration,
An unforgettable memories creation.
2. Poem on New Year 2013- An old wine
Another year is passing…..
A NewYear is hatching,
Hoping we will progress……..
Like a new wedding dress.
All the best for women liberation,
Stop playing with human sentiments,
Try to make the History,
Without making it a mystery.
So many New -Year resolutions are waiting,
Let all of them be counting……
No space for abortion of female-foeticide,
No “Gangrape”-Yet to be decide.
New wishes……..New hopes,
Touch them without rope,
Every year is a destiny……
Without spending any penny.
Hoping for all the best……
2013 quench its thirst for rest,
The rest will be fine……
Like an old wine.