Cancer (True story in a poetic form about my life)
Photo credit: bullboy from morguefile.com
A sickness, engulfed her whole body
A woman who was true and knew no real sin
A woman who wanted a daughter and tried her hardest to conceive
But only ended up with six rambunctious boys
My father, was one of those boys
My Grandma always wanted a little girl
But God never gifted her that little girl, from her own flesh
Dying on her death bed
in a cold dreary hospital room
swept her whole body
blinded and made weak
she could no longer eat
she could no longer speak
the monitor flat lined
And all who were gathered in that hospital room
little did they know a MIRACLE would happen
Within the dark she heard a voice
it was not yet her time to go
she had someone to meet
just as quick as she left this world
she came back to greet, everyone again
with a SMILE on her face
comforted and joyed
convinced, she heard the voice of God
she was alive again
right before their eyes
No one could explain what had happened, that day
but they all rejoiced thankfully
she was alive and well
A few months passed
I was born, a baby girl!
The one she was never gifted from her own flesh
But I was hers, none the less
I was the one she had to meet
She was truly a great MOTHER to me
She taught me values
I hold true to this day
She told me this story
of when she was sick
God, truly works in mysterious ways
Grateful for the time I was able to spend with her
Somewhere within my youth though
my joy turned COLD
I cant explain how or why, but it did
Just a kid, I would come to regret
mistreating the one I loved so much
Barely a teenager, young in my youth
she got sick yet again
Only this time no MIRACLE was to happen
All those times I had her tell me that story over and over
I was finally seeing it for myself
Frail and weak
blinded again
she could no longer eat
she could no longer speak
defeated her body
I knew it was GOODBYE
2am rolled around
the house filled with family
NERVOUSLY, awaiting the inevitable
before the star lit nights sky
an owl flew above my head
WHITE in color
a symbol that DEATH was near
I trotted inside, feet dragging along
And I sat by her bedside
I held her hand
she sat up and waved goodbye
I knew it was time
once she laid back down
and her head touched her pillow
just like that, she was gone
A body once filled with warmth and love, now made COLD
Curious and caring I patted her hand
and I only shed one last tear
I showed no fear because that was her wish
I knew to let her go
So, I kissed her cheek
and caressed her lightly
The woman I loved dearly like a mother
now gone
Right before my eyes
I witnessed DEATH
I LOVE her so much
I held such REGRET that I could not say
SORRY for the times I was bad
Distant and COLD
She was old, but she showed me a lot
She showed me life and she showed me Death
She showed me not to fear any of it
The house filled with wails and tears flooded the rooms
I shed only one tear to this very day
All her sons shed only one, to this very day as well
We all remained STRONG
Happy she was no longer suffering
God sent for her and we knew it
Held tight in my mothers arms I pushed away
Walked a while to comprehend, what just happend
And on the picket fence there perched
a white bird, as I watched it fly into the nights sky
to this very day
that wonderful amazing lady I met
My Grandma, my Mother
she went to HEAVEN
My Guardian Angel
whom I miss dearly
I will NEVER forget that night
I witnessed DEATH and BEAUTY at the same time
~Love my Grandma Juanita Ortega~
By: Desirae N. Ortega