This English poem Highlights the importance of Books and declare them as a cultural Heritage which one must have to preserve for a longer time.

Poem – Books Are Our Cultural Heritage
Photo credit: xenia from
Books are our Friends ,
So attract us at a glance ,
Let others counted them as a satire ,
But the real Lovers Keep them on Hire.
Books are our need ,
to generate a new knowledge seed ,
Books are our supplement ,
to attain new compliment.
Books convert a layman ,
into a good human ,
Books throws a new light ,
for future foresight.
Some books contain theories ,
and some are for children stories ,
Some are based on common sense ,
while some creates a shining lens.
Everyone of any age ,
Go on studying in a fit of rage ,
As books take away their anger ,
and increase their appetite hunger.
Books based on peace ,
are generally used for preach ,
Therefore books create new thoughts ,
as every thought brings a lot.
Educational books are wonders ,
as they emerge thunder ,
Many new scientists throws new light ,
so that the coming generation makes their future bright.
Books gives us a new hope ,
therefore We learn to climb on a success rope ,
Books fresh our mind ,
and make us more kind.
Books are our soul ,
and plays a new role ,
Books based on Luck ,
Prevents our mind from saturation suck.
Books attain new achievements ,
as they work for mental treatments ,
Books define crimes ,
act as a best pathway to learn new rhyme.
Drawing books impart us an energetic sense ,
as a perfect hand and eye coordination relives us from mental tense ,
Books meant for art and craft ,
save human to become a dwarf.
Cookery books make us a perfect chef ,
and we become habitual to measure the depth ,
Books based on History ,
always remains us in a mystery.
Every country has its own culture ,
and these books describe their future ,
Books are the joyful ride ,
through which We enjoy our Life with a lovely Guide.
Books are our Cultural Heritage ,
So We have to preserve them for a longer age ,
Books are those beautiful monuments ,
through which every age attain happiness.