Photo credit: wallyir from morguefile.com
The invisible formless god himself laughs about the big puzzle ,
the puzzle about his existence and his whereabouts.
God knows that he , like electricity,water,gas,TVand phone ,
Is ever required by man ,required every day and every hour.
A clear knowledge of him is sought with much trepidation and anxiety
Even by the most intelligent astronaut
The most skillful surgeon, the most learned scientist
And the most fierce soldier .
What, many ask, is the bridge between this world
And the heaven in the sky.
Billions come and billions go ,the billions of humans.
Where from they come and where they go
None could ever know.
Lord Buddha altogether avoided the big puzzle.
He said “Serve the poor,do good and be holy”
Poet Wordsworth said, “The beautiful green nature of forests,
The beautiful hills and dales
The beautiful lakes they are themselves the god”
Some others said “Let the skies fall ,who cares?
Eat drink and be merry, that is all”
All religions strictly say “There is heaven of a beautiful god
There is also a hell up there where you will be roasted alive
And cooked in hot oils for the sins committed on earth.
There is strict accounting for every sin,you can not escape”
The realist agrees “Before god
Man looks like a little mosquito
Before the galaxy in the sky containing thousands of billions
Of suns and planets”
Ever since time began innocent people created gods
And believed that such beautiful gods truly live.
They solved the puzzle in such a simple way.
They spend hours daily in the company of their beautiful gods
As if sitting with their parents and pour out their hearts
And then go home fully relieved in their hearts.
The invisible formless god goes on laughing as ever before!