Poem on Nature – A LONELY ROAD
Photo credit: emlyn from morguefile.com
A lonely road
This takes me to the new world…
At night each star on the beautiful sky
To reach it’s so high…
Taking a walk by the lake
Listen to the Sweet noise of cool breeze
Where it welcomes through the ocean to seize…
Stars are so bright
Refreshes our mind at night…
Watch a day through the wonderful sky
Each and every night holds like a butterfly…
When a peaceful sea flows
It sounds as music plays and
I feel like my heart flies…
A day at sea
It is a simple feeling when waves play with me…
On the beach at night
As a lonely leaf staying in the sky a brightening moonlight
No one can blink with such a sight…
Every star in the sky
Sparkle like precious diamonds wherever they lie…
When the night is so silent
Hear the singing of the birds
Sweetly chirping with the sweet sounds…
Eyes can see a view of counting stars
And my heart with pleasure fills…
Watch the beauty of the night world
And forget the darkness as a passing cloud…
In the Darky night, silence is deep
I would feel the nature just before I sleep…
When ocean and land together
Memories are untouched forever…
When love and art together
Dreams are touched forever…
In the far distance
I saw a dream once
Where wonders of the world there with peace…
When nature shares its feeling
Don’t feel them as they were dreaming
Don’t go for thinking and
Stay with nature for loving
And feel the nature’s feeling…
If I could share some words
Let us happiness slips away
With the struggle of darkness each and every day
Night has a lesson to teach
To forget the worries and for happiness to reach…