My poem collection
Photo Credit: www.cepolina.com
Staring out into space,
Wondering what life is beyond a cage,
Trapped in my body and mind,
A solipsistic coma like this is hard to find.
I hope for the day I will be free,
Into a world where I can be me,
Hair as white as storm,
Toxic love can take any form.
But for now all I have are dreams;
Of a perfect world beyond what it seems.
It’s sweet how much comfort I find in myself,
When things happen, and they always do,
I don’t stay sad or change my mood,
I can look in the mirror and still be glad,
That even though things are bad,
I don’t have to get mad;
I still have ME
Some find comfort in many places,
Some find it in land, money or many faces,
But what happens when they are not there?
Isn’t it better to have comfort here?
You may call it vanity,
But I dont care,
From what I can see..
It’s a breath of fresh air.
I woke up feeling particularly empty today,
Maybe because I thought at this stage I’d be doing things my way.
Many poets and authors believe talent will work itself out,
“I wasn’t made, I was found” so no need to stress and shout,
But with each passing day I feel this pain,
Getting deeper, almost empty, I just can’t explain.
All the images and people talk to me,
I can hear, I can see, but I just can’t believe;
I’m feeling used and deceived by the one who created us.
And if He can’t fix me, then who on earth can I trust?
These words are nothing but scribbles on a book,
To try to explain a part of me the emptiness took.
I know I can’t run from something all around me,
So I write as an escape, a ruthless plan ‘B’.
I wonder if I will always run to my words and hide,
When it’s cold and dark and against the tide.
I can’t say what will be, or how I’ll feel tomorrow,
So if it’s worse and increases all of my sorrow,
And it takes away my soul and leaves me hollow,
Know that I was once young and vibrant,
Till the world took my joy and became my tyrant.
I will still be me, if I’m small or if I’m grand,
I will no longer bother with titles,
Because now I finally understand;
That what you begin with might not be what ends you.