English Poem – I
Photo credit: wallyir from morguefile.com
What should I do
Where should I go
Tell me a place to live and breathe
Coz’ I am tired of being low
I wish to kill myself
Or satan take me with you
I want this ugly life no more
Love you or what should I do
How should I trust you
Why should I trust you
When should I trust you
But no more or less I trust you
Let that ugly you be the portrait of my life
Let that little you be the pride of my life
Let your lies be buried forever
Let those lies enlighten once more
You control my heart
You rule my life
You can mould it in nay way
You can make me lie
You can make me die
You can make me smile
Then why are you making me cry
I want revenge from you
I want you to feel the same
But I am afraid for you
I don’t want you to be a part of my game
I love you and no one else
I want to hate you and no one else
I want you and no one else
I want to get away from you and no one else
I remember the days spent holding your hands
I remember the nights spent in your arms
I remember the times you cared for me
I remember the moments we laughed together
I remember the moment you shouted at me
I remember the time you made me feel like a stranger
I remember the day you made me sick
I still remember the nights when I cried for you
I want you to be close to me again
But still I want you to be away from me
Coz’ I feel I can harm you
But still I know I will not
You think I am a psycho
A dumb full of of crazy sh#t for you
Yes, I am crazy for you
Coz’ when you don’t care for me, I’ve to be a part of you…