Love Poems
Photo credit: bosela from morguefile.com
Once I saw a dream ,
A beautiful life it seems,
So perfect to be true?
My heart wonders for clues !
Can I get my life back ?!
Can I get my soul back ?!
The dream was from tomorrow’s
Yet to be cherished
Dream was from untold secrets
Yet to be perished —!
A moment of choice,
A moment of destiny,
Lost somewhere in this dream
Yet to be told ,
Yet to be heard !
My heart quivers with passion & bewilderment ,
My heart soon will meets its soul in dreams !
Can this moment be paused—?
Forever , till eternity !!
Blessed are those hearts who have their souls ,
Sighed ! My broken heart without its soul !!!!
A white ray of light ,
Asked my heart not to loose any hopes ,
& keep on walking & listening to my hearts hope !
I walked miles & miles without loosing hopes ,
Tread so barren roads ,
Just to be united with my missing soul !!
There !! There !! I can feel something is there !!
Take this path , tread this path ,
My heart voice shivers in joy !!
I wondered & told myself,
Soon , I supposed, this journey will bring me so close to my missing soul !!
I saw someone sitting on a rock ,
Alone ,
Sad & tired !!
My heart tells this is my destination ,
This is my eternity !!
I wondered how ??
I walked towards him , smiling nervously,
He didn’t smiled yet ,
He didn’t looked up yet ,
I freezes there
Seems to be counting lost moments forever !!
Why are u so sad & alone here ?? My heart quizzed !!
He replied out of no where ,
I lost my life , just a moment ago !!
I waited for more secrets to be told
But it seems ,
Some stories are left untold ,
My heart beating now full with life ,
To be united with its missing soul ,
Seems its was never been told
How much it miss you !!
Still u feel alone ?????
U don’t know it yet ,
Maybe sooner you would say it too,
I have to wait ,
But Not all hearts can wait !!
I asked him again , hiding my tears & broken feelings,
Why are you so upset with me ? Didn’t u know it too that its my heart searching from eternity for you ??
Do you believe me ??
He just quips ,
“No am fine this way “!!
I don’t trust you any more ,
Just look at you !!
You are stranger with a known soul,
How can I trust you ,
After eternity ??
You have hurt my soul too,
There are no secrets to be told?
My heart jolted in bewilderment
Gasping for breath ,
How hard is this again for my heart !!
To reach your soul !!
I stared at him one last time,
Hopeful for my lively heart ,
I have to tread more paths ,
It seems ,
Before eternity dawns !!
I told myself ,
” our souls will again meet up soon,
Finding life meanings together ,
Maybe tomorrows would sealed a question with answer itself ?!
Maybe this secrets of your hearts would reach my heart !!
I just hoped
In dreams
In prayers
& in tomorrow’s
& in moments yet to be cherished !!
To be with u forever ,
To be with u till eternity ,
To be you till eternity !!
Sometimes to heal we may need to undergo painful experiences ,
Sometimes to reach someone heart we may need to travel till eternity !!
When time stood still
When memories feels faded ,
When years seems to be lost
life is being paused ,
May your heart & soul knows,
” I travelled eternity to be with you ” !!
Woo or Woe
which way u choose to engage your heart
Either way u gets bullied or belied ?
Wooing, an Art so much Talked & Advised,
how many got Lucky to escape, yet wait,
for the Cupid strike…..
In Woes, Heart is rebooting
Emotions & recuperating hurt Feelings ,
Wooing will outwit you with smiles & togetherness,
Woeing makes your heart bleeds in aloneness
which ever words you choose,
life is nothing but moments enlivened,
& cherished
& perished —-
In present, past or future…..Life behold or beget !!
Vow or Wow
Charming words
Forsaking words
words for lifetime
accolades for life
if you have a wife,
Oh ! for sure no pun intended for the Woman of your Dreams,
as you already met the master puzzle…to keep your life on the guzzle of love & promises……Forever !!
if you have a hubby,
Oh ! for sure no pun intended for the Man of your Dreams,
as you have already met the beholder of Love & Promises…..Forever at your service !!
Marriage or Triage
Glimpse of the Life,
One gives you Life-Partner
Other gives you many reasons to preach,
Pun or Fun
no pun intended,
no fun intended
uncontrolled freaking life events,
why not bring cheers & smiles to faces ?
why u have to pace back for pun & having none in the end it seems….?
Wine & Dine
its the best words which chimes,
Twinkling stars, Christmas Joy & Delightful Surprises,
But a Loved Heart knows no woes,
Friends, family & loved ones
make the wheel of life blissful,
Every heart learns from its Woes,
Like a Blessings in Disguise,
to get rid of masked & dark souls,
which no longer are welcomed ,
as Heart has learned & being Updated ,
Appreciate or Depreciate
whatever you have got,
in bad ,
in good,
times —
u will always be told—-Life odds wins minus any sins….
All is left is pure soul minus any woe or foe.