Three Poems – Lost Dreams
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
1) Dejected Lover
When the leaves turn dry
When the water burns
When the ponds turn to mud
And when the frogs yearn,
On the top of a dry tree
A dejected lover calls
He is not at all heroic
He is a common neglected lover.
He has no big hopes
Neither has he claimed so.
He has no great ideals
Just he has adulated her.
He never wishes a complete spring
Neither has he a liking for that!
In that hot summer of June
He wishes a day of rain
He cannot unburden in a day
Yet he urges to lessen his pain.
While people have hope
He has a belief
While people want comfort
He wants relief.
He is sure that
It will rain
He wants to bath in it
He wants to lessen his pain.
2) It Has Rained Today
Black clouds have rained today
After long time,
My heart has pained today.
Each drop is penetrating so deep
There seems to be no
Sign of relief.
The showers are
Becoming very intense
My whole body
Is loosing sense today.
After long time,
It has rained today.
3) Season of Love
You came in my life
Like seasons advance in an year.
First you were like summer;
Hot, pinching, irritating and unbearable.
After summer you became
Very cool, firm and frozen like cream.
It had very much in it to
Attract someone for once and for all.
Then comes the hard and breaking autumn;
Leaving stunned, desolated and depressed.
It is disgusting to see weathered leaves
When someone loving; also leaves.
After wretch autumn,
Comes angel spring.
Green, colorful, lively and energetic.
More enough to forget the
Hardships that my heart once felt!