English Poem – Those Three Words
Photo credit: hotblack from morguefile.com
How many times I tried ,
I tried to say you ….
those three words ,
How many times I tried ,
I tried to say you ….
to catch those birds ,
who were emerging ,
into my heart .
Whenever I came ,
in front of You ,
my lips tried ,
tried to speak ,
but the very next moment ,
the whole scenario changed ,
and they softly spoken ,
a simple “Hello” indeed .
We both met ,
for long hours ,
where a deep infatuation ,
bound my heart ,
and when it comes ,
the time of depart ,
I again tried ,
tried to say those three words .
Sometimes I thought ,
that why don’t you caught ?
my deep signals ,
that I slowly throw towards You ,
in some pun intended form ,
and later that I tried to reform ,
after seeing your simple smile ,
a simple smile on your face .
And on one day I collapsed ,
when you informed me about your thoughts ,
that you were compel to say those words ,
Yes , those three words to one of your beloved ,
with whom you were going to get marry ,
and was inviting me as a jury ,
to kept me as a witness for your proverb ,
when you will speak those three words .
Tears were flowing from my eyes ,
when that precious moment of your life reside ,
I murmured those words in my heart ,
when you were speaking those in front of your heart ,
and that made me spell bound ,
as a magical feeling surrounded me profound ,
“I Love You” were not just a verb ,
that was the life of those three words .
Those three words were nothing ,
for You ………
But those three words were something ,
for Me ………..
Those three words made ,
Your Life ……..
But those three words spoiled ,
My Life .
Though I tried many times ,
but failed ………
but as you tried ,
You gained ………
But still those three words ,
are more important for me than You ,
Because those three words counted as ,
my “Unsaid Love” just for YOU.