Photo credit: aophotos from morguefile.com
To my love,
“I’m not a poet, as such but your smile compelled me to compose this
I’m not a writer even but your love made me tie all these words together
I don’t know, if the language I’m using is right or wrong
I only know ,that the language “I’m feeling” has got no flaws.
I know , you’ll read this verse by using your mind
But I want you to understand this , by using your heart.
After reading this
All I want is; a glisten in your eyes, a stretch of smile on your lips and
some drops of love dripping down from your heart!”
Walking by the lane in despair,
something strange happened to me.
I was all gone ,when realized
what happened to me?
never ever thought, that those trees
standing upright will become a great delight.
never ever thought those sun rays
will bring all the sorrows to demise.
Wind blowing towards the north suddenly
made the blood to flow with a charm
my soul smiled and heart reached heaven,
when that happened to me!
Every part in me danced
to the tune of something.
I felt the smell of my
soul ,lingering.
These were just the evidences
that something happened to me
my heart singing aloud told me,
“ You happened to me!”
I lost myself somewhere
I could find myself nowhere
I got trapped in something
I felt free from everything
My smile
turned into a blush
I did not want that
feeling to crush.
I wanted to tell something
to the whole world
I wanted to hide something
from the whole world
I shouted , cried ,
flew and laughed.
I was silent, meek,
soft and hard
I thought to discover myself
once again,
but nothing could happen
because that was in vain.
I wanted to solve
the mystery behind,
but could resolve nothing
whatever I tried.
I wanted to know
What happened to me?
I thought,let it,
whatever it be.
I turned to my heart
once again
It shouted and laughed
once again ,
“it’s you,
who happened to me!”
…………………”I forgot!, the day I met you!”……………