Love Poem – Seeing in the Dark
Photo credit: aophotos from morguefile.com
Wandering in the park
Frightened from the dark
My blood was freezing to death
While I wandered sadly
I sat down on a wooden bench
Covered with snow
Thinking of what I did so
I am wandering in such weather
I realized that I did nothing to make
Me so sad.
Then, I closed my eyes,
Remembering my dream when I was
Little. I used to dream
About seeing in the dark
What an impossible dream!
I opened my eyes and reclosed it
I saw flowers and trees but not snow, and
I saw boys and girls playing in groups.
I walked towards a girl that seemed
To be in my age I asked her about
Her name but she didn’t answer.
She just smiled and walked away.
I ran after her trying to stop her.
She stopped walking and turned towards me.
She gave me her hand,
When I reached for it and tried touching it,
She suddenly disappeared
Without showing any motion or even
Telling me her name!
I opened my eyes trying to recognize her, but
She didn’t seem familiar to me.
The next night, I closed my
Eyes and saw her again but
This time she was wearing a white
Large robe that seemed to be a tail
From a distance that followed her
Where ever she goes. I ran
Towards her and asked her
About her identity,
She told me “I am the person you
Seek that will give you true happiness.”
After that night I got a new habit…
Every night I used to close my eyes,
And see her in my dreams,
We used to talk and talk till sunrise…
The problem was that she wasn’t real,
But who cares!
What surprised me was that she
Really gave me the true
Happiness that I wanted in my whole life,
And this time,
I learned how to see happiness
Even in the dark!