Inspired by the poem,”Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead” by Sir Alfred Tennyson, this poem is a tribute to those widows of the martyrs who never really had anything except the memories of their beloved to live on.

Love Poem – A Promise Broken
Photo credit: ecerroni from
There lay the body still as stone,
whatever she did she just wouldn’t mourn
For she never believed her beloved was gone,
that in this world she was all alone
They tried to make her realise that he was never coming back,
but all she could remember was the time they spent in their shack
She could see clearly what was the epitome of her life,
it was the glorious day when he had proclaimed her his wife
Resting in her beloved’s arm ,looking at him with love and care,
while his lips made the promise, for you i’ll always be there
But unfortunately i must go by the crack of the dawn,
for its time to repay the country in which i was born
She ddidn’tsay anything but a silent tear escaped her eye,
sensing her fear he said, don’t worry soon i’ll be by your side
And true to his words he left at the first light of sunrise,
while she watched him go with longing in her eyes
She waited for his letters as the seasons passed by,
but though she waited endlessly ,there was no reply
And then came the news that she feared the most,
that the war was over but her love was lost
She locked her hands with those of her beloved,
Hoping all the while that he would rise back from the dead
But there he lay as still as a sculpture,
while the pain and despair made her heart rupture
She could feel his promise ringing in her ears,
her lips unmoving, her eyes silently shedding tears
Flooded with the memories of his touch and the words he had spoken,
the only thing left of him with her now was a promise broken.