Love Poem – Midnight
Photo credit: katmystiry from morguefile.com
It’s one of the midnights when stars are scores
It’s such a midnight when darkness sores
It was a midnight i savored you as a rose..
That Moon is still there but lights no more
Never thought of this midnight, i’ll be so alone
Today It’s the midnight when you are far away
but my heart is so close..my heart is so close..
The same night is here which u see,
But we are part,as two shores of a sea..
U hv good dreams, all worries set free
This agony to feel and Nightmares are for me..
It was a midnight whn i found u gone
Yes it is the midnight my life had never shown…
Today It’s the midnight when you are far away
but my heart is so close..my heart is so close..
How good is this midnight? As dark as a coal..
Why we revere love in the end If separation is its goal…
I wonder if I am still immured or a prisoner on parole
No one is to love here, no one is to console
What I am left with are these poems and prose
Today It’s the midnight when you are far away
but my heart is so close..my heart is so close..
A hope in my heart, since the time we depart
This night would be ended, a new day will start
A new joy of love, as the ecstasy in art
Still waiting for the day, that life to restart
New will be that midnight when clock would be slow,
A new wave of reverence and affection will flow
When you will smile n ur face will glow..
Soon would be that midnight when the sky will bow
Soon would be the midnight when you won’t far away
and my I’ll be so close..my heart will be so close..
that wud be a midnight when we will be close…