Love Poem – On Different pages..
Photo credit: jdurham from morguefile.com
I wish the clock dint tock,
While our fingers interlocked.
Your lips were touching mine
And a chill ran down my spine.
On time I have waited,
On instinct I have trusted.
You made me feel complete
And deep down I want it to repeat.
If something like soul mates exists
Something whispers in the inside of me
We would be the world’s favorite pick
But I guess He has other plans for us.
Before I let you go,
I have something to say to you.
“Between all the conversations, jokes, fights and kisses
You have earned a very special place in my heart”
I do want a chance for us,
Maybe we will have one maybe we won’t
But I shall always cherish our past.
I love you!
Her hair was all over the place
Which I wanted to make ok.
Her drunken eyes
Made me all weak.
Fun and passion took over our night,
We were like puzzle pieces fitting all right,
I did not want her out of my sight
So I kept my arms wrapped around her tight.
Minutes turned into hours
Words spun into conversations
We lay there staring
At random space.
But before I knew it
She was looking into my eyes
And saying she loved me.
But I decide to pay no heed.
I feel confused and vulnerable
When she asks for answers
I tell her, that’s all we have here
Cause I’m no good at this thing called love.
She says she can’t be a friend
Which I hate to understand
I know I have to lose her,
I am going to miss her.
You are a mess
I want to confess,
But while the clock ticks
This time around.
I decide to be fine
All I do is look up
With a faint smile and ask
Do you have a plan for me?