Love Poem – I love you
Photo credit: sssh221 from morguefile.com
I love you but i can’t say it to you
I feel you , but i can’t make it feel it to you.
I miss you but i can’t make you miss me
I remember you but i can’t make you remember me.
You are there in my soul, in each and every part of my body,
But i can’t make you see it.
I dream of you but i can’t make these dream true in front of you.
I cry for you but have never been able to made you realise the value of my tears.
I wait for you but never been sure-Do you wait for me like this?
Sometimes i just wanted to call and say hello to you, do you also wanted to do the same?
Sometimes ,when i stand in front of god, i feel myself mum, do you also find yourself in such situation?
When i think of you it energizes me, do this happen with you too?
Sometimes, when i am asked to wish, it’s always that “your happiness comes before mine” .
Is it very common with you too?
Sometimes when i feel lonely, i want your strong shoulder to lean on it, do you really miss any such moment with me?
Sometimes , when i am sad, i just remember the most unforgettable dream i have ever seen with you
or any moment of our togetherness, and it makes me happy with my eyes filled with tears:
does this therapy have ever brought happiness on your face at the saddest moment of your life?
Once again I want to sit in front of you and say—- i just want the boy sitting in front of me”.
Once again I wanted to say , i have loved you from my heart.
This is after along time that it took only few second to write such line….
I love you… I love you.