Love Poem – I Really Loved Her That’s Why I Lied
Photo credit: Ladyheart from morguefile.com
Walking all alone, my glance met her eyes,
She still had the looks that could mesmerise,
She was not alone, a tall and sturdy guy standing with her,
Happy to be with him, as could be seen from her eyes’ glitter
She stared right at me, her face showing no trace of pain,
Which made me look into past to see my loss exceeding my gain,
She walked towards me slowly, while I stood there frozen,
My mind was filled with a million thoughts, emotions were a dozen
She asked me how was I doing, how was my life,
I replied I was fine, just waiting for my wife,
She introduced me to her husband, a glint of pride in her eyes,
For she found a better person than me who had left her heartbroken with lies,
She talked about him with love and caring, with concealed taunts at me,
All I could say was thanks for sharing, you are happy I could see,
She looked at me with a smile sympathetic yet victorious,
I couldn’t help but think she was so beautiful and glorious,
She bid adieu and walked ahead holding her husband’s arm,
I realized my feet were cold, while my eyes were warm,
She walked away while I wished for the last time, she would meet my gaze
but she left and I stood there enveloped in her memories’ haze
I started walking slowly, my feet weighing a ton,
I wanted to ask God why I was the one,
There were no words to describe how I yearned for her touch,
I was angry at myself thinking how could I love her so much,
And then I recollected all the events of past that made me fall in love,
the very reasons I thought that she was an angel from high above,
Reminiscing the past, I could feel my energy drain,
as I realized I began to love her all over again,
I reached the hospital for my final appointment,
to hear the news that would’ve made her repent,
Time was something that I could not afford anymore,
a short life was what fate had for me in store,
My heartbeats were numbered so were my breath,
but I was not scared one bit of death,
How would she live when I would be gone,
she should not be depressed, she should not mourn,
And hence I had to break her heart,
And by doing so I was torn apart,
I knew I did the right thing by letting her go,
cause I wanted her to be happy and nothing more,
Lying on my deathbed, I was engulfed in her memories,
her words, her touch, her kiss killing all my worries ,
My time had come, as darkness was filling fast,
and with her name on my lips, I breathed my last.