Love Poem – I am scared
Photo credit: Oleander from morguefile.com
Well, when he is going , I see tears rolling down my cheeks .
when he gets upset , my happy mood turns to gloom .
When he is happy , I am thinking ..” Seven billion smiles in the world.. And your’s is my favourite “..
Must be love ?
I ask this , because who knows what love is…
I find myself willing and wishing time to stop when I am with him … Hoping it lasts forever .
Before every meeting .. I think of things to say to him. . Make plans to do stuff with him.. But they are as good as my dreams .. Never turn out to be the way I want.
I try to say something .. He hears something else ..
he tries to say something, I listen to it from a different angle..
These things make me wonder … If i am the right girl for him… I want him to be happy.. Be it with me or someone else .
I wish we could read each other’s mind .. Then I wouldn’t have to be so scared … Scared of loving him..
scared of losing him.. Scared to tell him how I feel about him.. About us.
It’s funny, we have been part of each other’s life for so long.. Why does it feel so different Everytime we meet each other …it’s like a new person.
But, it has always been him for me.. And will be.
Why do I write this?? It’s because he will never know .And I don’t want him to know…he should not!
When it comes to my feelings ,I don’t trust anyone ,Not even me.. So I rarely mention it… But even if I do, I am sure no one will get it…
What is the one thing that Every person wishes for…?. It is to turn back time, I do too…
But No matter what happens ,I would never trade our time together with anything or anyone else ..
I dnt know what else to think about these emotions.. I guess it safe to say that I am in love ..? My true love .