Funny Poem – I Miss You
Photo credit: jdurham from morguefile.com
Those days were so beautiful
You were always there for me
Ready to sacrifice yourself anytime for me
You gave me immense happiness
Your presence at any place would always bring a sweet smile to my face
I longed to see you wherever I went
You were always on my mind
People used to say I was crazy about you
but they never knew that I loved to go crazy for you
I couldnt eat without you
I couldnt sleep without seeing you
Then why did everything go so wrong
Life was so beautiful with you
How could I ever let u go!!!
All the people who knew us couldn’t believe that we’ve parted
They all thought it was temporary and we would be back soon
I know i’ve hurt you very much
Its been an year since we’ve parted
So long we’ve been away
I really cant take it any longer
I want u back in my Life
Do you even remember me!!
Do you know how much I miss u!!!
For once I feel it was just yesterday that I held ur face in my hands
U looked awesome
U longingly looked at me
and I couldnt stop myself from saying oohhh”I Love you”
I can still smell you around
Your fragrance is still stimulating my mind
My lips are numb without your touch
You know the best thing I love about us
Every time we met it was altogether a new experience
I used to love experimenting with you
used to love pampering you
and you never said ‘No’
I know even you loved me the way I loved you
Though you never said anything
but I could see the love in ur eyes
Your love was so selfless
You gave your life for me
Many said that my decision to leave you was the best thing I did in my life
they said its better if I leave you forever
I know many people hate to have you
Hate me for loving you
Many of them even tried to seperate us
but let me make one thing clear
I left you…that was my own decision
I was not influenced by anyone
I needed some time for myself
But more than when I was with you…
now I realize your importance in my life
You never know how im longing to get back to you
but you know my constraints
I know you’ve respected my decisions
But I do make a promise
That i’ll come back to you
very soon…..
You know the best part
though we’ve been separated for so long
Still people associate our names together
They still call me as your lover
and I love it when they call me