Poem Collection – SUBHASHINI
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
1.My Dear Deer You Are Very Dear
Once I happened to visit Mussoorie
I read the add on the board of gate
Beside the temple in the right hand
Along with my wife and my all kids
They also noticed the board and said
We want to go inside to see the deer
I agreed to their proposal took inside
Path – Path and jungle – jungle we find
Deer and deer in a large number alone
Or in a group so pretty so funny fawns
So cute and tender they jumping there
My son caught one and took on his lap
Yours were so soft when I touched fur
Your eyes were so bright and beautiful
I heard you cry for your mother to see
As if you were hungry and wanted milk
No longer delayed, took to your mother
Moving her eyes there in search of you
I let the fawn off who ran fast to mum
Both the mother and the fawn thanked
They were staring at as if kin and kith
I turned about once again I turned up
I took the fawn on my lap and kissed it
For I love the baby and mother most *
2- A Pair of Shoes
A pair of shoes you purchased
Out of the money you saved
I was among so many friends
But you liked and chose me
I feel happy when you put on
I accompany you all the ways
Whether on roads or in lanes
Though in pain but take care of you
you are my master I can please too
Don’t throw me in a corner aside
You can discard me but I cannot
As I’m like your family member
As I’m like your family member
3- A Crying Baby
Why are you crying baby
O! I See, can I do anything
Tell me what you can do
Tell me where is mother
Gone out for some work
The baby didn’t stop crying
Can’t I fetch milk for you
No,no uncle I don’t like it
Have you breast and nipples
Can’t you feed mother alike
I’m a man, can’t have milk
Nor can I feed mother alike
Why’re you asking me then
Let me cry till my mum back
I’m not as young as you are
You can’t cry as feel hungry
But I’m a baby and I Can cry
I cried the day I was born out
I’m not a male like any of you
I’m aware I will be married to
As soon as I am marriageable
I’m sure you’d not wipe tears
Why do you cry then, my dear
Forget my pain and relax then
You’ll feel comfortable more
I see my mother coming fast
She will feed milk from breast
Hastily she came and stood up
The baby sucked milk she could
The baby from her mother’s lap
Stared at me taking out her face
She smiled to see me smiling for I
Love the baby and the mother most
4- As You’re Heavenly Abode The beauty that I notice
In the rising Sun at sea,
The reddish water and The waves that delight
The sound that roars
That soothe my mind
And satisfy my soul
The sound it echoes
In heart that reminds
Once we’re together
Enjoying it all along
Now I find you as
Nobody nowhere as
You’re heavenly abode
Still your footsteps are
As alive as spirit I see
The shadow follows to
When I look at behind
I find you there often
For I love you as of mine
5- Be Calm and Quiet
Feel happy and gay
Do your duty only
Do not make hurry
Have patience,
Wait and stare
You can reach
your destination
Sooner or later
But with ease.
6- Be positive In thinking
Make your life sublime
Make your career bright
Keep yourself happy gay
Keep fit, sound, healthy
Assess you want to do
Plan properly for goal
Implement your project
And have a better control
Work efficiently all along
Your hard work will repay
You can lead a happy life
You can have peace too
If you’ve positive attitude
You can think better for
Yourself and the family
You can help less or more
Needy people of society too
You can live a longer life
You can execute more
Than what the other do
Be positive in thinking
Make life sublime too
7- Books are Your Best Friends
So far as I have experienced
Books are your best friends
All the books characterise
They are your kith and kins
Friends in need are indeed
They teach you and assist
They take you to the height
The height of success in life
Read them with all sincerity
Read them with regularity
Read them with confidence
Read them with all devotion
Read them with dedication
They are your best teachers
They are also your best guide
They are the best asset alike
As they repay you in multiples
They help you in life and after
They help you years together
They are so good and so nice
They never demand anything
Only to keep them properly
As you preserve your valuables
Silver, gold, gem and jewellery
We expect also in safe custody
As no less valuable than those
Books are your best friends
So far as I’ve come to know
8- Have Me in Your Possession
I am so small you can keep
Anywhere you may desire
I am as essential as food
I am as necessary as drink
You can live without food
You can live without drink
You can be penniless even
You can be worthless too
But take it for guaranteed You cannot live without me
Guess who I am to you and Guess who you are to me
I am your bosom friend so
I am near your heart and
In your memory all along
I am your smartphone and
You are my smart man alone
9- I’m Your House You Live In
I’m your house that you take rest
I’m your house you do your work
I’m your house you prepare meal
I’m your house you receive guest
I’m your house you serve the best
I’m your house you keep valuables
I’m your house I take care of all
Are you so busy, too much work
That you never keep it quite clean
The books are lying uncared of
Papers you read are so scattered
The aprons you wear look dirty
The shoes also I find unpolished
I don’t understand what you do
After coming from your office
Either you sit idle or you gossip
Neither you dig a well nor a hole
Then how do you feel exhausted
As I know you work with comfort
Then why don’t you care for me
I’m your house that provides safety
I’m your house that protects you
Then why don’t you keep me clean
Then why don’t you make me clean
10- I’m Your Passport
Your important document I’m
You kept me somewhere else
Now you don’t remember
You search me whole day
You are assigned some job
You will have to proceed
USA by the morning flight
You take care of money
That you earn and keep it
More carefully but not me
I can help you whereabouts
I am lying under the pillow
You keep your head to sleep
This time only I let you off
I will not help you any more
Keep a box and put me in
With all my younger ones
Aadhar, voter, pan cards
Driving licence and so on
Keep your all certificates
All your testimonials alike
In a proper important file
As you are employed in
You get a lot of letters from
You keep well in service file
You can be free from anxieties
11- I’m Your Shirt That You Wear
I I’m your shirt that you wore once
You kept me uncared in your hanger
You never thought about but forgot
The other shirts were along with me
You saw every time but ignored me
Once there was marriage ceremony
I thought whole day and whole night
I would be the luckiest if you wore me
But this time I raised my collar and said
I waited for you since you bought me
For the God’s sake take out, wear me
My joy knew no bound you obeyed me
Not only you put it on but covered me
How handsome I looked as you tied me
Under the royal coat wearing over me
Don’t forget me nor my colleagues too
Wear us one after another day or night
May God give you peace and harmony
12- My Dear Bees, My Dear Bees
Why do you not take rest
See you humming always
Here, there, everywhere
We see you working hard
In search of flowers around
You sit on them off and on
In collecting their nectar
In front legs, in back legs
We don’t know the house
Nor do we know you about
We see a beehive hanging
At the top of the tree up
We see you going there
We see you coming from
Is it a place you were born
Is it the house you live in
Where born and brought up
Are your babies awaiting
Are your babies hungry
Are the queen bee angry
Rush to them, hurry up
They need honey to eat
Your parents cared you
Why not you follow it
13- No More I Wish
No more I take
No more I drink
No more I hear
No more I tell
No more I play
No more I work
No more I awake
No more I sleep
No more I earn
No more I spend
What I do for all
I keep balance in
Everything I rack
14- The Road That Leads To Destination
The road that leads to your market
Where you purchase your essentials
The road that leads to your school
Where you learn to write and read
The road that leads to your office
Where your parents work for bread
The road that leads to your factory Where the machine made for you
The road that leads to your church
Where you attend and pray to God
The road that leads to destination
Where you reach and feel happy
None is as good as the road is
Then why do you make it dirty
Then why do you make it nasty
15- The Sun That Rises In the Morn
The Sun that rises and sets everyday
It rises in time and it sets in time
It is so punctual, it is so regular
We can’t compare with anything
As it does its duty with sincerity
It enlightens the world at no cost
It gives light that gives us warmth
It is the heat that helps us grow
It is the light that helps to see
It is the ray that comes through
Wake us up to begin our work
Can’t we learn a lesson it gives
Can’t we follow, can’t we teach
16- What Are You Looking For
Tell me in your voice aloud
I don’t hear what you say
A man is awaiting at door
I‘ve to issue him a cheque
Issue, what’s the problem
I’ve got the cheque book
I searched everywhere but
I did not get my pen as yet
Don’t worry, I will tell you
Where your pen is lying in
Don’t make hue and cry
Tell me as early as you can
I’m in the washing machine
Take out, issue him a cheque
Poet: Durga Prasad,
Bich Bazar, GT Road,
Govindpur, Dhanbad
Jharkhad State ( India )
Pin: 828109
Dated 25th. July 2016