Love Poem – The Brave Girl.
Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
Prince Sean and Susan were the best of friends,
They vowed to be together until one of their ends.
But Sean’s father, the king, who was in power,
Disagreed with them and locked Susan in a tower.
However much Sean begged his dad,
The king didn’t listen and nearly drove Sean mad.
Once, Sean was kidnapped from the tower,
As he was trying to sneak Susan a flower.
He was dragged screeching into the moonlit sky,
By a black dragon that gripped his thigh.
Susan heard the yell and looked out of the window,
And when she saw it was Sean she fell weeping to the floor.
Next morning when the servants came with water and bread,
‘The Prince is kidnapped by a dragon.’ Susan said.
The servants hurried her to the king,
And before him she stood trembling, the poor thing.
‘Will you rescue my son?’ the king inquired,
‘Yes, an armour and sword’s all that’s required.’
‘If you win the battle you’ll have whatever you wish,
From half the kingdom to a golden dish.’
‘I will rescue Sean.’ The brave Susan thought,
With her sword and armour the prince she sought.
Then she saw the dragon and rode towards it,
Though if you had seen it you’d have thrown a fit.
The daring Susan fought with all her might,
And what followed was a bloody sight.
Finally the dragon was slain,
And it lay stretched across the lush plain.
When Sean was taken out of the prison he was in,
Susan cried ‘Hey Sean, I win.’
When they reached back to the king,
He said ‘Whatever Susan wants I shall bring.’
‘But what is it that you wish my dear?’
Susan tensed ‘The hand of your son I fear.’
So their wedding was celebrated in great pomp and splendor,
And my poem ends right here.