The continuation of ‘’Presage’’.

English Love Poem – Journey
Photo credit: earl53 from
- Scene 1.
- Desert. Presage drags me between the dunes.
- Sun bestows a flame to sandy hills
- And with Its passion any wound heals
- And any earthly essence sooner melts
- And turns a clay.
- Takes out his flask, makes a sip and pours the rest on my face.
- ME coming to.
- It is my home
- And we needn’t long to go,
- Just leave this road
- Back and … further I know.
- I long to be a burden of the sun,
- To breathe the flame of its eternal run,
- To scatter the earthly part of mine
- To sirocco of love.
- You honestly adore your family.
- ME.
- Oh, if I just could explain you how
- Exactly unhappy I was you hardly
- Would understand me!..
- PRESAGE. Tell me it now.
- ME.
- Rejected always, ridiculed and
- Hold in contempt in all my protests,
- In worries and in tenderness and
- Even in humility. It’s hopeless
- To try to recollect or to complain.
- All what we live through is never in vain.
- What is that strange gray spot on the skyline?
- ME.
- To the right of us? It’s … sirocco. My
- Shirt I took off to bandage my head and
- You need do the same. To sink a face in sand
- Completely close it and tightly tie.
- We have to wait it lying face down.
- Here it comes with deafening sound.
- It’s horrible!
- ME. There is no use to cry.
- I can not hear you.
- PRESAGE. My face is deep
- In sand and I am suffocating.
- ME. Keep
- Silence otherwise we’ll both lose breath…
- PRESAGE, ME raised by swirl. Oh, no!
- Scene 2.
- Desert plain with dunes on the right side and palms on the left.
- ME.
- Stand up and see. We are on plain with row
- Of highest palms. I never was thrown
- By the wind so close to it. There is no
- Better place for us to spend a night
- And first of all in gloom we’ll need a light.
- Dry leaves of palms will burn well.
- I share with PRESAGE the rest of water from my little flask.
- PRESAGE. And dried
- Dates lie here and there for us to
- Supper. For sake of truth, if you don’t mind…
- Do you retain some better times for you?
- ME.
- Of course. We were just bride and bridegroom
- Then and worked in a promotion office.
- Beside the campaign pages piled in room
- We slept. In daytime people gladly took heaps
- Of them to throw them at us.
- PRESAGE. You are…
- Masochist!
- ME. This silly word lacks any
- Meaning for me. That was a world of many
- Truest emotions expressed as ”far”
- As they could only reach.
- You never would behave
- In such a way and that is why you have
- So strongly liked it.
- ME.
- You are quite right.
- And people thought it jest to cause a laugh.
- ME.
- We follow in life a plastic stuff.
- The plastic cars drive to pick up us
- And plastic dreams we’ll never trespass
- And plastic songs are filling up the sky
- For they can neither live nor die.
- It’s day already.
- ME. I have never seen
- A dawn either sunset here.
- Let’s go.
- PRESAGE and ME are walking together.
- ME. You have no idea
- What exactly I always have been.
- All this began at school. Once in garden
- I saw people smiling every time when
- Dice was thrown. I quickly seized the dice
- And ran away. I take the dice out and show it to PRESAGE. Look, it’s here and since
- That time my talk makes smile of everyone.
- I see a lake and my thirst makes me smile.
- ME.
- Don’t hurry. Your joy is just for a while.
- You mean, it’s illusion and will be gone.
- Scene 3.
- Lake, shore and mountains behind the lake.
- ME.
- Oh, no. It is real. Try it
- Yourself.
- PRESAGE. My throat burns. Damn it!
- ME.
- It’s salty. Just lie in it, don’t drink!
- It burns even skin. Are you good friend, you think?!
- ME.
- Life-giving water will never harm us,
- But now it’s not a season of rains.
- We’ll die of thirst.
- ME. A camel spends here
- The whole life.
- PRESAGE. We’ll become the hermits.
- ME.
- Just have a sight: all mountains to east are
- White from salt. Such grandeur is new on earth!
- They shine under sun, gray little cloud
- Is above and sun is shining through it.
- It’s miracle: I feel cool, mild wind
- Together with rain, we talked about.
- ME.
- I lost my dice. I dropped it when jumped in
- Water.
- PRESAGE. Already twice you magically
- Predict a weather.
- ME. I didn’t mean
- It. All around us is rather queerly.
- This happened to me once on other lake in north.
- I sat in boat with my old friends
- When storm has come. I cursed and stretched my hands
- To jump out and avoid the boat’s lost.
- In no time the storm has ceased to be
- And from that time my friends avoided me.
- Scene 4.
- Psychiatric department at hospital. Doctor is talking to my wife.
- He is much better now, you may take
- Him home. With care and medicines
- He is to be all right at least in week,
- But never can be healed of such disease.