Dark Poem – Frozen Night
Photo credit: southernfried from morguefile.com
Poet’s Note: This is a ‘dark’ poem, depicting -in poetic detail- a man regretting his actions upon the moments preceding his death. If this isn’t your proverbial ‘cup of tea,’ then I perfectly understand if you don’t read it. Otherwise enjoy!
Winter embraces the naked trees-
clinging, engulfing,
breathes down their limbs- fragile, splayed,
heavy with icicles,
upon the frozen grass-
darkened emerald
sprinkled with crimson dew
under this gray sky- half dead
gutted with bright holes
staring down
with its thousand eyes
upon my angular face:
torn- the lines lifeless.
No longer am I
who I’m supposed to be.
A filthy, caustic screen of time
a smog- blinding, suffocating,
separates me from you,
from us.
No longer the melting sun-
upon this world of constant night-
in warm splinters of broken sunlight
does shower promises of brightness,
of purification.
I tried turning my back
tried not to vomit these scarlet tears
but amid whiter ghosts
staring down from ashen heavens,
my white flag disappeared-
crumpled beneath their feet-
and I lost.
I lost
to the monster I created,
to the monster I became;
the fire that once burned in my heart,
fueling me, pushing me,
now devours me, slowly,
as I lie suspended over this chasm
floating midair
along the parallel axes of time and life
somewhere between now and then
between myself and my monster
between alive and otherwise…
POET’S NOTE: I do not long for polyglot murmurs of adulation (though I wouldn’t mind them! ;)) I only want to be heard. So please do leave me a comment below, as a reader (your precious thoughts) or as a fellow writer/poet (critique, mistakes, suggestions…). All criticism, harsh or otherwise, constructive or not, is welcomed, and don’t hesitate to leave me a link of your piece/s (if you do write, of course) in your comment so that I can get back at you. That’s all, for now.
-The Manoj Arora.