Photo credit: hilarycl from morguefile.com
Abhiyan Swach Bharat,
Sath sabka,Vikas sabka,
Two project are sprinkling,
Two buckets holy water,
From mother Ganga river,
Over mother land India,
With echos,
Of wonderful songs,
Of bird weaver- Humming ,
On early peaceful quiet morning,
Is like collective prayers ,
Of different religions ,
In motherland,
Sun rises,
Shadows of branches,
Of Kesari mango trees,
Falling on wall of house .
And watching branch-cactus ,
Magic show -sunrise ,
Stillness Quietly,
Life tides are like river water tides,
One can’t touch twice same water tide ,
Because water tide that has passed,
Will never pass again as same tide,
Also In one’s life; will never again pass ,
Past life tide, as same tide .
Lessons-tips of life are hidden in life tides,
Reflection of one’s karma is life tide,
A God gift, and blessing is one’s life tide,
One must enjoy every moment of one’s life tide.
And take positive attitude from one’s life tide.
.Hard work – Luck
Luck is like a lift,
Which takes you up –down,
Also in between can stop lift,
Hard work -up stair like,
Always takes you up,
Therefore believe more, in hard work .
Rather than in luck.
Negative vs Positiv
From Window seat,
I am looking for,
Attributes negative-positive,
In language of maths,
Negative X negative is positive,
Positive x positive is positive,
Negative x positive is negative,
Concluding ,People in real life,
With attributes negative,
Cannot live with, attributes positive,
A law of God-nature mother.
Five letter word is my name,
People love me,
I am like salt-common ,
in your life,
If I am more than enough,
In your life,
I destroy your -taste of life,
But when I am with you,
All are with you,
I am not God!
But people don’t believe ,
that I am less than God.
Tell me my friend!
Who am I?
Yes !my friend
Not God
Sukarma Rani Thareja
Associate professor
Ch Ch College
CSJM Kanpur university