Collection of Poems
Photo credit: kseriphyn from morguefile.com
Wait Here for You, infinitely…
Why can’t you look into my eyes?
The same eyes you admired then,
The same which mesmerised & fun,
Now filled with deep sorrow and pain.
We used to get lost together where?
Walk hand in hand and move far.
Time had only infinite presence then,
Those sweet moments lost & passed.
Where did it go wrong my dear? fast,
With no chance to correct the past,
I stand here alone, no one around.
It was only myself and you surround.
Let the tear not fall down here & now,
And create embarrassment to the nature,
I did put the broken pieces together,
And wait here for you, infinitely for ever…
A Cheetah, falcon and a snail sat for coffee,
Unlike tea, coffee was bitter, black, yet tasty!
They were discussing, what each one were doing?
Cheetah with much pride, said:
I was moving so fast
That I caught, mostly what I wanted,
I caught, had and again ready for the strike!
And that was the truth, I found!
The falcon said with pride:
I was racing ahead of time,
Moved ahead faster, grabbed in no time,
Even before I caught at times it vanished!
And that was the truth, I found!
The snail smiled at herself, and said I;
I moved slowly and I only found one thing,
that to live in the present, here in this moment.
And that was the abstract truth, I found!
A flower with deep scent fell from no where,
and took the snail in its hands,
and took away far spreading its wings.
Ant & The Sage
The ants that followed,
found the shelter.
The ants that followed,
found the food.
The ants that followed,
together found death.
A sage observing this,
smiled and preached:
“Blind following brings death”.
A snake did bite the sage,
Sage died instantly.
A butterfly whispered to the grass,
“In life, death follows”
Night & Light
The snail that was moving slowly,
In a meditative state hit an ant,
The ant, that was moving briskly,
Took it seriously and started the fight.
Snail hid itself in a shell,
and continued it’s meditation with smile,
Ant kept biting the shell relentlessly,
Blowing it’s ego with each bite,
That is how the nature of things,
Night for some, Light for some.