Unemployment – A Collection of Poems

Unemployment – A Collection of Three Poems
Photo credit: clarita from morguefile.com
1. WE for ” Employment”
Again a rally,
Again a polling booth,
Come on Guys,
Its all for the “Unemployed Youth”.
A privilege card,
A Private hospital ward,
Cash them yaar,
As a reward.
Innocent mass,
Allure them for grass,
Provoke them guys,
like a heating flask.
Fake promises,
Fake mission,
Hold them Guys,
Just as a Fun.
Iron rods,
Bamboo sticks,
Learn to play,
For opposition tricks.
Its a probation period,
So be serious,
If work efficiently,
Then upgrade as a senior.
We are a decent party,
Having a reputed image,
Providing Employment,
In this Election Campaign.
If We will win,
Then improves our sin,
Send all of you abroad,
To know more gym.
Our Employees are smart,
And knows every art,
How to overpower?
A weak man’s heart.
In the coming next years,
Our Economy is free from fear,
As our youngsters,
Will approach their all near and dear.
India and U.S.A,
Are two poles apart,
They elect for enjoyment,
But We for “Employment”.
2. Employment Slogan
What is an “Employment”?
A series for fulfillment,
Only for those,
Who pays for their commitment.
Its a shriek,
From the Youngsters grief,
How much they going to spend?
To get a “seat”.
Employment Exchanges,
Daily Data changes,
But still Unemployed,
Crush their traits for lower hangings.
Air employees plight,
They went for strike,
Without remuneration,
Fighting for their rights.
Its a serious issue,
But still lies in “Parliament Session” due,
As every Minister work,
Only for His Own Sue.
Begging for the Government,
We request to make this Slogan,
“Employment is our Right…
For country Future Bright”.
3. Employment Exchange -A Beehive
Every Year a freshers batch,
Hope to be employed like an early hatch.
Campus Interviews are held On,
Perhaps their Luck will be put On.
A percentage of 1 are selected,
99 out of them are rejected,
Another Unemployed mass is gathered,
To be survived without feather.
25% of them get depressed,
75% of them faced reality quest,
A late marriage…..an unlucky fate,
Got their “issue” too late.
Again another tension arise,
How their kids will survive?
B’coz “Employment exchange ” is a Beehive,
Where only names are written to dive.