Collection of Poems – Hallo

Collection of Poems
Photo credit: octaviolopez from
Not much of things have been exchanged between us.
Not enough to turn into gestural deals.
Nor amicable not pleasant either.
Wordings generally have gone farther than my knows
And I admit I have little known
Still I have a niche to describe
Wherein you fit unnoticed
Dint you ever press hand for a handshake! Not I could afford to pass hallowing words.
Your distant proximity has never turned close enough to leave rub of warm brush to my shoulder side.
Nor did my eyes turn inquisitive and poked you for where you have been last week.
It didn’t mean to me …..And much to you surely!
A name will surely be found but niche is here for the time.
The niche from where your feeble presence remains logged deep in my un-alerted senses.
Despite you being none…Not a friend, not peer and not a stranger anyway.
When I have my eyes dropped down at my work and suddenly the realization,
wakes up through the gape of eyes downed on the lines being read
That someone is there probably deeper engrossed in the page with him.
Not close enough to be gazed at
Not formal enough to be smiled at
I have found this dragging my attention repeatedly and over.
This has been unworded ,untouched and unspoken …..a companionship never ever cherished .
Lets make the first of it , for it to be named or frequented through by gestural pass.
It deserves to be greeted , a pat of word will probably do it .
Or let it be broken for another niche to get place. Let the first word be spoken .
Let my first thing come to you
……hallo .
अधिग्रहण संध्या पर एक जरा रात्रि की एक युवा दिवस द्वारा
हस्तांतरण समारोह पर समय उपमान विनिमय के
दो अर्धरात्रियों का सार्वजनिक आलिंगन
करवा रहे अगणित हाट परिकर
तुम भी मुग्ध और हाट से सम्मोहित
अभिज्ञ विपणन परिकरों की गणना से भी
हाट के औपचारिकता रंजित परचून शब्दों में
हाट के आहवान का और तुम्हारे बालवत मनानुरोध का
सहर्ष सम्मान करता यहाँ
मैं बेमन अवश्य शब्द गुन्थित संवेदनाओं के अंतर्जाल से
तदपि एक असहज असंयत तंतु
भाव कुमुद अधखिला सा एक जोड़ता हूँ
मनोरंजन हेतु तुम शिशुमना के
दे दूँ तुम्हे औपचारिक बधाई नव नूतन वर्षागम की
विपणन प्रसाधनों से विलग
हाट परिकरों से छिपाकर
मुझी सा एक संकोची कुमुद तुम्हारे मनाहलाद को
औपचारिकताओं से शब्दबद्ध भी तुम्हारे प्रसाद को
शुभ ………..
…………… अतिशुभ हो तुम्हारा यह नूतन नव वर्ष 2013