Collection of Poems – For Your Heart and Head

Collection of Poems – For Your Heart and Head
Photo credit: anitapeppers from
Fruits of all pious actions
Fruits of all evil actions
In this life itself
You have to face it yourself.
Accept this knowledge, be aware;
One may do anything, go anywhere’
Lust, anger, greed and attachment, destroy devotion;
Bring under control these senses;
Miss not your destinations.
In pleasure and pain do not falter,
Keeping balance be a good server.
Forgetting all thoughts of mine and thine,
Also eschewing duality of all kinds,
Serve all equally well
Enjoy hearty joyous spell.
2.The road to success
The road to success is not straight
There is curve called as failure
A loop called as confusion
Speed bumps called as friends
Red lights called as enemies
Caution lights called as family
But, if you have the spare called as determination;
Insurance called as faith and
A driver called as hard work –
You will make it to a place called as success.
3.The Gossip Poem
My name is gossip;
I have no respect for justice
I break hearts and run lives
I am cunning, malicious and gather strength with age
The more I am quoted, the more I am believed
I flourish at every level of society.
My victims are helpless
They cannot protect themselves against me because
I have no name and no face
To track me down is impossible
The harder you try, the more elusive I become;
I am nobody’s friend
Once I tarnish a reputation, it is never the same;
I topple governments and wreck marriages
I run careers and cause sleepless nights, headaches and indigestion
I spawn suspicion and generate grief
I make innocent people cry in their pillows
Even my name hisses
I am called as GOSSIP
Office gossip
Shop gossip
Party gossip
Telephone gossip
I make headlines and headaches
Remember, when you repeat a story, ask yourself
Is it true?
Is it fair?
Is it necessary?
If not, do not repeat it.
Work is man’s greatest function/gift
He is nothing
He can do nothing
He can achieve nothing
Without working
If you are poor – work
If you are rich – work
If your burdened by unfair responsibilities – work
If you are happy – work
If your health is threatened – work
When faith falters – work
When dreams are shattered – work
When hope seem dead – work
Idleness gives room for doubt
Work is the greatest remedy for all problems;
So, work, work, work and work faithfully and sincerely