[A Bouquet of Poems – Collection of Poems]

A Bouquet of Poems – Collection of Poems
Photo credit: nasirkhan from morguefile.com
the light is fading
as the sun is ‘gulped’ by the ‘Greek’ horizon.
the translucent sea-waters
just turned opaque with sun`s reflection .
a color , reddish-orange fills the entire sea,
a color smooth enough to soothe the soul .
I sit back and enjoy the prolific scene,
the crabs ran past me and soon go unseen!
the turtles get cozy at ‘home’ ,
the water splashes against my feet
and tickles them into dancing to some unknown beat !
the houses stand around the shore
as the glitter of the crimson reflection
from their window panes
adds to the beauty thereof.
The children, they play some game ,
they run around with sticks
and draw some doodles random on the ground
which are soon to be washed away by the waters !
They are innocent , they draw it again and again
hoping it would stay .
the sea gulls give a final cry
the day has ended and off to home they fly .
The dim Greek lamps are slowly lit and
I lay down and think of thoughts untried though fit
the reason I live , the reason I smile
I have found all here and there`s nothing to hide !
A MONSOON EVENING – Collection of Poems
sitting in the verandah
at the window,
a whole new world is what I discover !
its pouring heavily outside,
trees sway and dance as if to hug each other.
as the drops pitter patter on the puddles,
i perceive a picture perfect .
the coolness of the wind right on my face
certainly feels like heaven .
the flowers dance to the tunes of the drops!
the birds look so funnily confused and drenched!
a sudden lightning , thunder rolls !
I’m taken by awe.
slowly as the rains slow down
the mild sunlight pierces through the dark clouds,
gives a spectacle so superb .
the wet squirrels scamper out to dry themselves
the flowers glisten as gold in sun !
what happens now is something magical!
something out of this world!
the seven hues have come together under the sun
and left me awestruck !
I’m still amazed,bewildered,confused and “dwarfed”
for such a beauty is nature
and so great must be the Creator.
AT THE TOWER BRIDGE – Collection of Poems
It’s an evening in London.
I got a leave and took a stroll
on the world famous Tower Bridge
I stood right there in the middle when
my eyes rested upon a pond so sound
with roses and lily beds around
and the water, like bluish crystals abound.
closer as I look ,
the pond comes alive
with the fauna that ,in it , thrive.
the frogs, the toads ,the golden fish
no! u can`t give them a miss!
slowly my eyes turn to the sky above
the clouds are grey ,
there had been no sunshine today
ah ! this cool wind should take my heart away!
lo ! there`s a thunder somewhere around
the very first drop ,and life seems profound !
the refreshing rain, rejuvenates the soul tense
and reinstates this raucous sense.
so what`s on my mind is simple and plain
“this ambience i love, i don’t want to refrain
these moments so precious ,I can`t explain!”