The Birth, Life, and Death of Love – Collection of Poems
Photo credit: Penywise from morguefile.com
The Birth of Love – Collection of Poems
In a forest,
Dimly lit by sunlight,
That is where it began.
Two youth,
Barely ten,
First setting their eyes upon one another.
His heart stopped.
Little did he know that hers did as well.
They were young,
So young,
And hardly knew what had just happened.
Knees locked,
Oh so tight.
Hearts stopped,
Still as night.
Smiles exchanged,
Faces flushed.
Friendship made,
And a future begun.
It came to a halt.
What circumstances are this?
This friendship must stop.
Their paths have become separate.
He said one day he would find her.
She left in tears,
Nodding with a trusting heart.
Years passed,
The memory never faded.
Each new day,
A traveler appeared,
Same age as she,
Eyes so dark,
Beginnings of a beard.
Handsome he was,
With muscles so tight.
Beautiful was she,
Her skin so pale in the light.
Their eyes,
They met.
Their hearts,
They stopped.
He promised he would find her,
And on that, she had never given up.
Eight years had passed,
How much each had grown.
Her hair, long and dark,
His muscles so toned.
The friendship returned,
But something deeper was rising,
Within each of their hearts,
Was a passion, not surprising.
By a stream in the forest,
With the sunlight pouring in,
The lovers came together.
He took her warm, soft hands.
Lips like silk,
Skin like satin,
Kisses so soft,
Slowly leading to passion.
Hand leaving each hand,
Arms holding one another,
After eight years,
The two souls had come together.
The love was strong,
The bond would never sever.
Every touch,
Every kiss,
Every whisper,
Such bliss.
A love like no other,
No, nothing could compare,
To how each felt towards the other,
Such longing, such passion, such care.
The Life of Love – Collection of Poems
One soul,
One heart,
Vows were exchanged,
This was the start.
The life of their love,
It had only just begun,
But it was filled with such joy,
Warmer than the sun.
Nothing else mattered.
No sound could be heard.
The world outside them was absolutely absurd.
A life together,
What a dream it had been,
Now come true.
Every moment,
Every moment away,
Desire to be together again.
It was destined to come,
But not to these lovers,
So kind,
So considerate,
So calm,
So true.
When problems arise,
Into each others arms they drew.
Whispering voices,
That is how they discussed.
Never could they be broken.
Not with such powerful love.
Broken were obstacles that got in their way.
Broken were problems,
Threatening every happy day.
Years of this love passed,
The passion,
Never fading.
The love,
The same they felt at ten.
Never was there a greater love than this,
The world seemed to turn magical,
With every touch and every kiss.
For long lives together,
Oh how they yearned.
Their love was shown through their children,
Who were as kind,
As compassionate,
As gentle with words.
This was the life of love,
And it would be until their dying days.
The Death of Love – Collection of Poems
Life was meaningless,
The moment stabbing fiercely,
Pain more unbearable than any wound.
A heart,
Like a hole.
A soul,
Cold as the frosty window,
Hopeless as the dying.
Death had come so quickly.
This constant cringing of the heart,
A single thread holding all the pieces together,
With just one small cut letting it all fall apart.
Yes, that was life without his true love.
Gasps of breath like drowning,
Instantly smiling, not frowning,
A halted heart beat,
So nervous,
Unbearable to eat.
A touch,
So soft,
So gentle,
So warm.
Yet all has vanished now.
The skin now so cold,
So lifelessly pale,
So dead.
No color to the cheek.
Closed eyes, unable to stare in so deep,
The chest lay still.
Warm lips now chap from the chill of death.
Such heartache,
Such misery,
Such a mistake to think that her love,
He could always keep.
No knowledge of how quickly life can deplete.
A being,
Now longing for delivery from a now loveless existence,
That was so changed by the stinging blades of life.
That soon he would join her in the sky.
Their love would be reunited,
Neither would ever die.
For now, he existed with her memory,
With their children,
With every thought of her.
Her presence,
Always evident,
Constantly looking down upon him.
At night,
He could feel her,
As though she lay next to him again.
A whisper,
“I love you; it will never end.”