Collection of Poems
Photo credit: Alvimann from morguefile.com
Rise and shine, cos you have to!!
don’t cry and whine, cos that won’t do!!
you have to take over the world, let’em know you have it in you!!
don’t let these teen years confuse you,
Hurdles are a plenty in these cross roads,
being Obama or Osama lies in your chores!!
getting fame comes at a cost,
it also makes you feel lost!!
dreams are a plenty when you sleep,
while some others which don’t let you sleep!!
So rise and shine spread your wings left and right!!
ignite the fire in you, cos its time to conquer the world!!
Age comes and flies, but teens etched in the heart and mind lie!!
life cannot get any better, cannot get any worse! with victories and failures along the course!
with chances to be kids and adults at the same time,
glances of highs and lows at its prime!
raw energy to be Obama or Osama, the time clearly to make it or break it!
falling in love, breaking up, thinking it’s the end of the world, when only it’s the beginning!
In the roller-coaster that life is, teens give us the highest jolts.
turns us from caterpillars to butterflies, by making us witty and also a l’il nutty!!
being rebellious is fashion, teen-age helps us to portray it with passion!!
one of the best phases of anyone’s life, these teens will be missed till I die!!
As I enter the 20s with a whole new perspective on life and the desire to
conquer the world, if there’d be a time machine, teens is where I’d be!!
Talk in everlasting words and dedicate them all to me,
and I will give you all my life, I’m here if you should call to me,
you think that I don’t even mean a single word I say…
Words- thousands uttered daily,
some nasty and others hastily,
they decide your personality,
while certain things are best left unspoken,
while others could lead to many hearts broken,
words- a privileged few get to express,
dealing with a certain words you’d bet is a stress,
tread carefully with your words, you never know when your first could be your last spoken,
life in this unpredictable world- alive today, gone tomorrow,
words spoken from January- December, last words are all that people will remember,
first impressions are the last impressions, when you’re gone last spoken
words are the first that people will remember forever,
always end your conversations with the best & sweetest words, cos that’s all that’ll be etched forever…
it’s only words and words are all I have to take your heart away…..